Brad's CRX Build

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Fucking amazing!


I'm starting to get annoyed, but not discouraged. So I get code 9 CYP. This is how it goes; clear all codes, put the key to on position, CEL goes on with the fuel pump for a couple seconds then off ( like normal ) then I start it and 3 seconds later I get the CEL and code 9. It idles perfect, no misses. I can rev it up by using only a quarter throttle but any more than that it starts cutting out ( sounds like running on 3 cylinders ). So I took apart my distributor wiring and all colors match.

Is there anything I need to know about using OBDII distributors on OBDI ECU's? I couldn't find any difference other than the plugs.
I put a rod down # 1 cyl and found TDC and the notches on the cams lined up and I reset the timing so I don't think its a timing issue.

I also resolved my temperature problem. The fan switch uses the exact same wire color so I switched them. :)

Just that damn code 9. :angry:
The distributor should be fine as long as you wired it properly. I have an obdII dizzy that I put obdI plugs on an it works fine.
May have found the problem. :) My wires are not shielded from each other like factory. That large black/yellow main ignition wire must be interfering with the other wires.
F this. I'm pulling out my harness and re-doing every wire...I thought I did it right the first time...
Why dont you just test them to see if there is an open somewhere before redoing everything. Have you ruled everything else out?
If factory harness' had shielded wires, then re-do and shield wires. Wether that's the problem now or not it should be corrected - if you plan on a music system it could cause lots of havoc there too.
Why dont you just test them to see if there is an open somewhere before redoing everything. Have you ruled everything else out?
I believe I have. All my wire colors match up and none of my wires are protected like factory.
If factory harness' had shielded wires, then re-do and shield wires. Wether that's the problem now or not it should be corrected - if you plan on a music system it could cause lots of havoc there too.

Yeah I want it done right, all of my other wires came out alright so I just have to hack up an old harness and take the distributor wires complete (and shielded) and pin them into my wiring. Thats my plan for now at least. I don't think I can buy shielded wire anywhere but I'll look around.
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SHIELDED WIRE MIL-C-27500 from Aircraft Spruce

Did a quick Google search and found this. Guessing the distributor to be 18 or 20 ga for the control and 16ga for the 12v power lines (ignitor) and ground if it has a ground lead (probably does).

Most likely the factory shielding is to prevent electrical noise and not wire to wire interference. However, without knowing the impedance the system runs on the different lines, it coud be the ignitor wires, which carry higher current, could cause interference (RFI) with the crank angle sensor wires. Just guessing here - but, I've worked tactical aircraft avionics for 30+ years.

That being said, if the factory lines were shielded you should by all means shield what you are changing - just because.
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Yeah thats why I'm taking it apart again. I'm hopefully pulling out my harness within the next couple days, then taking apart an old harness to the bare wires and take the distributor wiring 100% complete and factory and pin it into my harness so I know the wiring is guaranteed to work.
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looks great man!
did you check the plugs behind the IAT and EACV to make sure they were'nt backwards?
I had a similar problem when we turned over my last CRX.

ohh and thank you for solving my confusion.....

Back to the build, the green wire form the TPS and the green wire from the the temp sensor on the front of the head are connected together in the factory harness. I assume the green wires are grounds? The IAT sensor has a green wire as well and there are no left over wires on my engine harness so I assumed it was a ground too. Is that correct?

Yep my other wiring is good and working, just dizzy wiring.

Haha and yeah that worked for me, should for you. ;) That's what the fourms are for ! :thumbsup:
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The intake manifold is off and the engine harness is out and taken apart again, going to do it right this time. The head and valves are super clean but the intake mani was greasy inside, it's been cleaned out now. The IACV was also almost clogged and it has been cleaned as well. The front end is also back on the car.



And this is how I'm doing all the connections.

