BS or not?

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The guy in the photo went to the Sundarbans with his friends and he asked 1 of his friends to take his picture in that very place. While his friend was taking the picture he screamed and fainted, 2 days later he died in the medical college. Doctors said he died because of heart attack. When the photos were exposed, in the last photo there was a lady standing right beside him though friends claim that he was standing alone. Many people said it is a rumor and the picture is the result of the blessings of latest technology.

whats your call?

look at his right shoulder there is a thick black line also his left pantleg is fucked up. I'd say photosh0p to teh maxxxx

also hehas more light on him then the rest of the pic
I believe in ghosts and shit but... doesn't look that real to me. Not that I've seen a ghost either. But hey.

What are and where are the Sundarbans??? Never heard of them.
Originally posted by BrahmaBullSQ@Jan 2 2004, 08:09 PM
I believe in ghosts and shit but... doesn't look that real to me. Not that I've seen a ghost either. But hey.

Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 2 2004, 07:19 PM
While his friend was taking the picture he screamed and fainted, 2 days later he died in the medical college. Doctors said he died because of heart attack.

Oh noeeesss! And now that you've seen the picture, you have two days to make a copy or YOU'LL DIE TOOO!!!!111!!1!!11!

*whispers* two daaaayyyssssss....
looks fake. also look at the shape of the ghost, its well rounded off.
here's proof that it is chopped. this image was resized so its not as clear as the original, but if you save the pic and zoom in on that section of the arm, you can see there is some clear background just next to the arm, where there should be ghost. its not even a very good chop lol.
Originally posted by sportlinecrx@Jan 3 2004, 02:19 AM
here's proof that it is chopped. this image was resized so its not as clear as the original, but if you save the pic and zoom in on that section of the arm, you can see there is some clear background just next to the arm, where there should be ghost. its not even a very good chop lol.

You got too much time on your hands Gabe... :P