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Hey guys and gals I graduated from college and I can't seem to find a job all of the places told me to get A+ cert. So I am planning to take the test by mid Oct. I was given one of the books to read it is one of those A+ for dummies but I read some of the chapters and I was like this is just like my Hardware classes. So what I am asking the people on here ( does anyone have a website or a program where I can do some sample test with answer keys please let me know I really want to pass this test since it is 220 bucks I don't want to fail it!! Thanks for your help guys
O yeah on a side note if anyone has the same thing for the Net + exam and for the UNIX cert exam thanks peoples
If you know your PC basics and your Windows basics, it's a snap. Know your IRQs, know your processor types, your mobo types, your Windows install proceedures, basic troubleshooting and you will be fine.

I finished the test in lightning speed, it's not that hard when you know your stuff.
that is what i was told but i have heard some of my old classmates fail the test i was just wondering if there is a place where i can take the practice test jsut to test myself you know what i mean
there isn't a "practice test".

there are several A+ prep tests that can be found online. google.
the A+ plus won't give you shit in the lines of work. Sorry.

It's a shame your college hasn't held more weight. I would stress on that though.

I am looking in the 65-75k range in my area with a 1996 A+, and 1998 MCSE (That I will ride into space if I have to) and they aren't even phased by them - Never were. Unfortunately, only experience has helped me.

How to get experience ? That's not tough. Consult. contact your local KForce, Robert Half Tech, Alden Associate, and your local DICE listings for temp spots. They pay more like perms, and they build your resume right-quick.

-> Steve
Yeah.. A+ isn't really a cert that hold alot of weight. if you want to take it, have at it. You do keep it for life and never have to renew it.
It is an easy test.
It is good to learn the stuff though.

net+ isn't worth it in my opinion.

So far my CCNA and A+ combo got me an interview and a job. But i had 3 years of computer repair and network building experience for a company that I owned. 2 years of Phone tech support for the ISP that I currently at.

You might be able to get a job at a computer repair place but the pay isn't very good because they are all entry level.
Originally posted by erikespo@Sep 20 2005, 10:34 PM
You might be able to get a job at a computer repair place but the pay isn't very good because they are all entry level.
[post=557466]Quoted post[/post]​

i can't find one any where i'll take a job like that just to get something under my belt
a+ doesn't mean SQUAT as was mentioned... And I took it back in... 98 i think it was... with a WICKED tequila hangover... and i passed with flying colors.

Go to your local best buy, start opening the phone book and calling local pc places, your local geeks on call, whatever... you'll eventually find SOMETHING...
Originally posted by ScrapinSi@Sep 21 2005, 06:25 AM
a+ doesn't mean SQUAT as was mentioned... And I took it back in... 98 i think it was... with a WICKED tequila hangover... and i passed with flying colors.

Go to your local best buy, start opening the phone book and calling local pc places, your local geeks on call, whatever... you'll eventually find SOMETHING...
[post=557572]Quoted post[/post]​

The A+ is a base level cert. Kinda like the groundwork for everything else. By itself it doesn't mean much, but it's good to include with the rest of your alphabet soup.

The CCNA will land you jobs, hence why I am working on mine. The CCNA combined with my A+ and Linux certifications will put me in a unix server/hardware environment... right where I want to be :)
Originally posted by civiclxb16@Sep 20 2005, 07:40 PM
So what I am asking the people on here ( does anyone have a website or a program where I can do some sample test with answer keys please
[post=557363]Quoted post[/post]​

lol that is why i put you in there man thanks a lot