car getting keyed

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I get a new car its nice i love it and have no real enemys i have it a couple weeks or months dont know im washing my car all of a sudden there is a big key mark on the back of my car.!!!!!! Who or what in the world would do it. I was pissed but there isnt anything you can do because no one has cameras. Then i come back again and there are some more scratches and its not just me all the people i chill with and or even dont really know say they went through the same thing. Its stupid i think all sratch car bandits should die. :angry: :angry: :angry:
it could give some character to your ride, but i agree all those fuckers should be put into a vietnamese prison camp.

Happened to me once turned out to be this little kid in my old neighborhood was doing it to all the cars. Its bad too, runs the entire length of the drivers side, and is pretty deep. Took the insurance money and bought a Thermal Exhaust though. :p
That sucks, if anyone fucked with my ride, god damn, I would shoot someone.
It sucks, I still never found out who did it. Yeah thats a good on give character to your car if i had any more character done to my car they would think I was a cartoon. :bo: