Centrino... BFD...

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So I got the new laptop goin for the wife... HP Laptop w/ Centrino 1.5ghz w/ 256mb RAM & 40gb HD... So far... NOT IMPRESSED...

Installing software, running basic applications, I am NOT IMPRESSED... I'll take my P4 3.0 heavy ass (Over 10lbs) IBM Stinkpad over it... And I HATE my stinkpad...

Anybody else impressed with centrino? I mean what's the big hype? Other than I guess the battery life is supposed to be badass....
yeah you got a value laptop idiot. you expect it to make leaps and bounds?

the travelmate i have for sale stacks up pretty well against my p4 3.2 desktop.

its a centrino.
So my 1 1/2 year old $1100 P4 is better than this 6 month old $1300 Centrino? How do you figure? I don't expect it to be leaps and bounds, but if it is more expensive, 1/2 the speed, how do people expect to compare the 2?

And no offense, a travelmate is a piece of shit, no matter how you look at it.
no, its because the cetrino is a power savings chip for increased mobility.

and everything that isnt noah approved is a peice of shit to you.
Nope... I know lots of very good quality laptops, even NO NAME laptops... And Acer isn't one of them...

And that answers my first question... Which was "WHAT WAS THE BIG HYPE"...
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Nope... I know lots of very good quality laptops, even NO NAME laptops... And Acer isn't one of them...

And that answers my first question... Which was "WHAT WAS THE BIG HYPE"...

Power savings. That's what Centrino does.

Your first problem was choosing Intel for your processor. Its time to drop the "Intel Inside" and go with AMD. My 1.6GHz XP-M laptop (2200+) runs like mad. I also like the neat feature of controlling my processor voltage, frequency and power management config at will. If I need to save power, I tell the processor to run at 398MHz, its lowest setting. I'll get two to two and a half hours of battery power. In an ultraportable, that's not too bad.

If you need even MORE power savings, go with Turion. My bud's girl got a new Turie laptop with an upgraded battery and that thing will run under normal settings for three to four hours. Now that's damn respectable.
the centrino cant be compared to a p4, its like apples to oranges. different architecture. but its supposed to be comparable to a p4 without hyperthreading and save on battery life.

not much into the mobile market, but all ive heard are good things about the pentium M.

and seriously 256mb of RAM?? ouch.
AMD in my laptop FTW. :)

yup. Centrinos are tweaked to use less power. nothing more. they aren't any faster than anything else. its a 1500. of course your p4 3.0 is going to smoke it.
my acer im selling contains the 2.0GHZ Pentium M Centrino.

you can also change the processor speed in quarter increments.

it runs for almost 4 hours on the lowest processor setting, with the screen turned up, playing a cd, wifi/lan/pcmcia/fiwire all turned on. you can turn off individual buses with the acer tools as well.
my laptop is a compaq. i have a p3 1.0 GHz with 512 ram and honestly it doesnt seem slow. plenty fast if you ask me. but i have like nothing on it, and all i use it for is to browse the internet and mess with car shit, lol. its pretty much just an extnesion so i can be lazy and watch tv on my couch and be on the computer at the same time, lol.
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my laptop is a compaq. i have a p3 1.0 GHz with 512 ram and honestly it doesnt seem slow. plenty fast if you ask me. but i have like nothing on it, and all i use it for is to browse the internet and mess with car shit, lol. its pretty much just an extnesion so i can be lazy and watch tv on my couch and be on the computer at the same time, lol.

yeah :) i basically used the acer for all intensive purposes like burning dvds, playing rose, and bullshitting while laying in bed.
So like... are you selling a laptop? Because like... I couldn't tell by EVERY REPLY IN EVERY THREAD TALKING ABOUT THE LAPTOP YOU ARE SELLING... :rollseyes:

And as far as the AMD comment... Before this centrino, i had an Athlon XP laptop about the same MHz... Seemed about the same, possibly even a little bit slower than the centrino...

Also remember this... FOR FREE I'M NOT COMPLAINING!! :p

And 2 - 2 1/2 hours on the lowest settings!?!?? My BRICK of a Portable Desktop gets 2 hours on the lowest settings... If I want power savings, i want 3-4 hours out of battery life... Not 2 - 2 1/2...

Thanks for answering my question B... Centrino is just for power savings... I wasn't sure if it was like "better for wifi" or anything, because i remember that kinda being part of the "selling point" in the commercials...
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So like... are you selling a laptop? Because like... I couldn't tell by EVERY REPLY IN EVERY THREAD TALKING ABOUT THE LAPTOP YOU ARE SELLING... :rollseyes:

And as far as the AMD comment... Before this centrino, i had an Athlon XP laptop about the same MHz... Seemed about the same, possibly even a little bit slower than the centrino...

Also remember this... FOR FREE I'M NOT COMPLAINING!! :p

And 2 - 2 1/2 hours on the lowest settings!?!?? My BRICK of a Portable Desktop gets 2 hours on the lowest settings... If I want power savings, i want 3-4 hours out of battery life... Not 2 - 2 1/2...

Thanks for answering my question B... Centrino is just for power savings... I wasn't sure if it was like "better for wifi" or anything, because i remember that kinda being part of the "selling point" in the commercials...

Your brick of a portable desktop also has a huge battery in it. This thing weighs less than 4 pounds and the battery is TINY. I can buy a better battery for this thing, but that's for the future. Right now this thing does all I need.
laptops suck. If it has less than two physical processors I refuse to rock it.
Yeah... Because we all know how easily a Dual Processor machine fits underneath the seat in front of you. :rollseyes:

And the laptop is where most of the weight in my machine is... The battery actually isn't that heavy... And the power supply weighs a good 2 lbs too!
What about Dual core opteron's? I would take that over two Xeons. Does that mean you would only rock an Opteron if it was quad-core? Two dual cores on a board.

Oh yeah, and dual core mobiles are avaliable now, abiet a USB bug that drains power. Im not sure if it has been patched.