Centrino... BFD...

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What about Dual core opteron's? I would take that over two Xeons. Does that mean you would only rock an Opteron if it was quad-core? Two dual cores on a board.

Oh yeah, and dual core mobiles are avaliable now, abiet a USB bug that drains power. Im not sure if it has been patched.

A quad core Linux box..... drooooooooooooooooool.
Anybody wanna buy some Dual P2-450 Xeon stuff? I got a few Integraph stations i think... :)

I also have Vision systems with $10,000 Frame Grabber cards & CCD Cameras if anybody is interested... I'll dump them off REAL cheap.
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What about Dual core opteron's? I would take that over two Xeons. Does that mean you would only rock an Opteron if it was quad-core? Two dual cores on a board.

Oh yeah, and dual core mobiles are avaliable now, abiet a USB bug that drains power. Im not sure if it has been patched.
I have no use for the opteron, all the software I use if optimized and faster with Xeon processors thank you very much. Most 3d Rendering Applications (specifically 3d Studio Max) run a bit faster on Intel processors, don't ask me why, they just do. When the dual core Xeons come out I'll probably build a quad core computer.
Could be worse....you could have a Dell laptop. 1.8 Gig 1 Gig or RAM and it's still slow as fuck when it's loaded down. Oh yeah, and 2 keys apparently resent to keyboard enough to pop off in glee.

Fuck Dell. If this laptop wasn't free to me, I'd chuck it out the window for a HP or a Toshiba.
well you saw how nice mine was when we wired vtec on your EG. we even caught the neighbors wireless :mrgreen: