Colder Plugs

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Blah blah blah....
So, I am not familiar with exactly how a plug is hot or cold, and how that affects your engine performance thermodynamically speaking. I've seen that it helps with turboguys and detonation problems, at least from what I have read.

Please discuss if you have any knowledge of how they work. I have had to severely retard my ignition at WOT to get the knock out of my 11.5:1 compression, and I'd like to regain some of that advance if I can by going to a colder plug, that is, if it works that way.
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So, I am not familiar with exactly how a plug is hot or cold, and how that affects your engine performance thermodynamically speaking. I've seen that it helps with turboguys and detonation problems, at least from what I have read.

Please discuss if you have any knowledge of how they work. I have had to severely retard my ignition at WOT to get the knock out of my 11.5:1 compression, and I'd like to regain some of that advance if I can by going to a colder plug, that is, if it works that way.
That was GREAT info, I am amazed that such a small amount of insulator length can affect so much, but the concepts make complete sense. thanks. will be getting the next colder set of plugs to see if that helps. If not, toluene addition is the next step.
Nice info, but where do I go to buy these plugs? I want to get some colder plugs put not sure as to where and how to get the plugs that I need.
I was able to pull the part number and went to an Advance Auto(discount store). It didn't come up as the part number for a GSR but when they searched by the part# the found some and had them at the store the next morning.
Went to carquest, told them I needed stock plugs, but the next colder plug, and they got them in like 2 seconds.
Ok, Went reading a little more. They said to go one range colder for every 75-100 hp increase or raised compression. According to them compression calculators, I have about 12.3:1 compression.

So I'm wondering if I would need to change my plugs to a colder one. My spec is in the sig.
