Engine Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Riceburner
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i really think it is the flux capacitor, or maybe the muffler bearings, i am not sure
De que carajos habla este jodio loco, if you gave out the questions better Maybe I could help my friend did the same thing you did I guess, I not sure because honest man I can't understand la cabrona Question :D
Riceburner... :whatafucktard: start all over with your question write it yourself and then get your mom to type it out for you considering you have minimal in the typing department. Then after you do that this forum might be able to help you, we are not piece of shit... Hey Uppertorso what about the blinker fluid?
Hey man i really think it might be muffler bearings or mabey your blinker fluid. Shits been known to go wrong with those two problems that will fuck up your idle. ;D
yea :fr: :owned:
ok this is as plain as im going to get.....I did a swap in my DX, i put a d16y8 motor in place of the DX motor which the EX motor is vtec correct? Correct! Ok the motor i got come from an automatic car and my car is a 5speed. So, i had to take my DX manifold off my motor and stick it on my new motor so i could run that motor till i got a manual manifold and a manual harness. So i was using all my DX stuff for the time being. So, when i got all the parts i needed i put it on my motor and started it up and it start idling (did this when i turned it on after putting my manifold and harness on) and the sound sounded like it was missing or someone was trying to keep the rpm's at 2000 and 1800 rpm's. And when u rev it up smoke comes out. Now i hope someone can understand this now that i wrote it all over again!!!! :bash: :kick:
Yeah, that makes a little more sense. Sounds to me like you have a major vaccuum leak. I am not sure if you can use your DX manifold on an Ex VTEC engine, They might not have the same ports or something. The easiest way to check for a vacuum leak is to spray carb cleaner all over the vaccum lines and all mating flanges. If and when you find a vacuum leak, the carb cleaner will be sucked in by the engine and the idle will drop breifly. That should point you in the right direction. By the way you could have used the automatic Ex manifold, there is no difference between auto and manual, so you went through a lot of trouble for nothing. I am using a 1st gen B16A in my manual Civic that came out of an automatic Integra, I had no problems with this,as the manifolds were identical. Let us know what you find out. :locked:
ok this is as plain as im going to get.....I did a swap in my DX, i put a d16y8 motor in place of the DX motor which the EX motor is vtec correct? Correct! Ok the motor i got come from an automatic car and my car is a 5speed. So, i had to take my DX manifold off my motor and stick it on my new motor so i could run that motor till i got a manual manifold and a manual harness. So i was using all my DX stuff for the time being. So, when i got all the parts i needed i put it on my motor and started it up and it start idling (did this when i turned it on after putting my manifold and harness on) and the sound sounded like it was missing or someone was trying to keep the rpm's at 2000 and 1800 rpm's. And when u rev it up smoke comes out. Now i hope someone can understand this now that i wrote it all over again!!!!

Ok here let me correct this for you. By the way learn english.

ok this is as plain as Iam going to get.....I did a swap in my DX, i put a d16y8 motor in place of the DX motor which the EX motor. Vtec correct? Correct! Ok the motor i got came from an automatic car and my car is a 5speed. So, i had to take my DX manifold off my old motor and stick it on my new motor so i could run that motor till i got a manual manifold, and a manual harness. So i was using all my DX stuff for the time being. So, when i got all the parts i needed i put it on my motor and started it up and it started idling (did this when i turned it on after putting my manifold and harness on) and the sound sounded like it was missing or someone was trying to keep the rpm's at 2000 and 1800 rpm's. When you rev it up smoke comes out. Now i hope someone can understand this now that i wrote it all over again!!!!

All of the bold is corrected parts. Please go back to school and don't do crack. It is bad for you. :rolleyes:

PS. I am in high school so don't dis. 10th grade
Did you replace the gaskets,when you replaced the manifold?Sounds like you have a vacuum leak,like Criz suggested.Follow Ryan's advice and get back with the results.
HEY!! does it look like i care about my english..hmmm..NO..this is the internet not english class moron....for the people who replied seriously..i havnt changed my intake manifold gasket but will change that when i put the manifold back on..
Originally posted by Riceburner@Apr 23 2003, 02:23 AM
HEY!! does it look like i care about my english..hmmm..NO..this is the internet not english class moron....

Dude,your trying to communicate a problem to people that are going to have to figure it out by reading it.If it isn't comprehensible,then people don't understand what your saying.It isn't like we are standing in the garage with you and you are pointing at stuff saying this is what I did.Communication skills are more important here than in person.
no, but getting on here and making fun of me b/c of some errors i made on this more isnt even closely related to what i asked...if u cant understand it then ask questions u aint gotta get fuckin smart mouth and try to make jokes about it.. :wtf:
ok i checked the manifold gasket and the top of the gasket was broke..so i ordered a new one..im going to put it on this weekend..i hope thats what it is..thanx for the NICE and helpful replies everyone..ill post up the results