Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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AllThe Time I spent on this game I have never seen any year Honda civic. You must be thinking of the game called Noob Warfare 2, and that game sucks donkey balls!
I played last nigtht......... Did good till te third 24oz bud ice....... Then got a little slap happy! But not bad for not playing in months....... My brother did kinda bad. He never played enough to remember the button layout. I think that is one button layout i will never forget........
I have mine on tactical. Knife is B, Left stick click is crouch/prone. Pisses people off when you drop shot them all the time. bwaha
I have mine on tactical. Knife is B, Left stick click is crouch/prone. Pisses people off when you drop shot them all the time. bwaha

I can't play that way... if I gotta knife real quick my thumb is on the button already... my bro in law plays that way
ive died prolly 1000 times bc of the knife button, for some reason i got a bad habit about hitting it when i shoot,so, i perty much swing my knife and there 90 yards away
when someone scares me, I click that down on accident so I always knife when I try to turn or shoot, so I switched it.
ive died prolly 1000 times bc of the knife button, for some reason i got a bad habit about hitting it when i shoot,so, i perty much swing my knife and there 90 yards away
well atleast iam not the only one.......... last night i was really bad......
Did you really think that a thread about Call of Duty was the best place to look?

Try posting again in one of the technical sections. You'll have better luck there...

EDIT: Specifically, try this forum: Civic and CRX - EW - HondaSwap Forums

that's funny. a moderator trying to be civil. fuck that he will never come back. tell him he is a fucking twat and to fuck off damnit.
Sorry I flaked out last night EG, I had a friend that got in a wreck and needed some help getting to the hospital. I'll be on again tonight.
Yeah he's fine, just a broken wrist, and a fractured cheek bone from where he ate the steering wheel.
ill eventually 100% the achievements then ill go back.
am I the only one here still playing this?

I still see Byron playing quite a bit. I'm big on Black Ops for now, but I'll probably go back and play more MW2 eventually. I was up to like 6th or 7th prestige, so it'd be a shame not to finish it out...