Getting modern warfare 2 this week!!!!!!!

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As did I... never used to use snipers.. but I started to practice w/ them and got pretty good w/ popping off headshots

Was playing HCHQ on Vacant the other night. They just kept running out until I got my predator missile. Hit the ENTIRE team with it. I didn't have my mic on, but everyone on my team who had one went DAAAAMN when it hit. lol
Are any of you guys still following FourZeroTwo on Twitter? Apparently they've got a new patch coming out for MW2 that will fix the rock glitch on Fuel and "address some security issues", which I assume means hopefully do something about the rampant hacking on PS3...
he's had one.. just never played it.. lol

i was wrong though.. dont have fall camo intervention.. just the barrett and the WA
he's had one.. just never played it.. lol


I've had a 360 since 2005 I think. I've just barely played it these past few years, and especially since getting a PS3. But something posessed me to hop on it the other night, so I sent some of you mofos friend requests. I don't know how much I'll be on it though. I really don't have any of the more recent games, plus, it seems like my 360 is fubar'd. It won't recognize a lot of my games anymore, and it gives me some dumb error message saying "Please place this disc in an Xbox 360 console." lolwut?
Looooks like u need to use it more...I get that message sometimes.. turn it off then back on and try again
For the ps3 people on this game, just read Sony is fixing flaws in the PSN that allows modded consoles on the PSN. We'll see if it works, but it might make mw2 playable again.
Looooks like u need to use it more...I get that message sometimes.. turn it off then back on and try again

I'll give that a try. And I think I'll stop by GameStop or hit up Craigslist and see if I can maybe find a copy of MW2 or BO for cheap so I can actually play something with you guys. The only multiplayer stuff I have right now is Team Fortress 2, Halo 3, and the original Gears of War. It's been that long since I played on Live...
For the ps3 people on this game, just read Sony is fixing flaws in the PSN that allows modded consoles on the PSN. We'll see if it works, but it might make mw2 playable again.

I played it last night and didn't run in to any shenanigans, but I was only on for about half an hour...
I'll give that a try. And I think I'll stop by GameStop or hit up Craigslist and see if I can maybe find a copy of MW2 or BO for cheap so I can actually play something with you guys. The only multiplayer stuff I have right now is Team Fortress 2, Halo 3, and the original Gears of War. It's been that long since I played on Live...


I'm telling you, you will find it cheaper on there than in the store.
Just be carefully the trigger buttons are reversed and it will piss you off! Ps3 aim and fire top triggers 360 is bottom. Atleast thats what it was for mw2.

:werd: .. i was playing a buddy of mine at his house on ps3.. buttons kept screwing me up.. lol
Yeah, I might just grab both. On a side note, I really hope that the next installment (which I hear is going to be MW3) provides at least some of the customizability and extensive stats tracking of Black Ops. I hopped back on MW2 for a bit the other night and found myself bored in the lobby because I was so used to checking out everyone's stats or working on my emblem, lol...
Also, do you guys still feel like Black Ops has shitty graphics compared to MW2? I really don't anymore. When I was back on MW2 the other night I was actually surprised by the graphics, because they look pretty much the same as Black Ops quality wise, IMO. Maybe it's just the fact that more people in BO have crazy looking camos, emblems, and sights on their guns that makes it seem more "cartoony" then before.

I dunno, just my opinion though...