girls think you have a small johnson if you speed

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What do you do with that extra 10 to 30 seconds you saved by busting ass down the road?

Seriously, I usually cruise at the spd limit during the day and I watch people bust ass past me allll the time... at the next light I trott right up next to them already waiting.
I was joking. I'm pretty under control around town. Too many local cops know me (either from pulling me over, friends' fathers, or our PBA is very involved in our youth wrestling program). And the highway I do 80-85. Pretty much normal fast lane speed for NJ.
What do you do with that extra 10 to 30 seconds you saved by busting ass down the road?

It's quite a bit more than that, even in town- especially if you're in Houston or Dallas. An extra 30 minutes in town means quite a bit.

speeding in town won't save you any time at all. Speeding across Texas can save you hours.

:werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd: :werd:

I don't like the long trips. Turning a 6 hour drive into a 3.5 hour drive makes speeding worth it. Now everyone knows why all of us Texans are concerned with final drives and top speeds- we really do use that region north of 100mph quite regularly. :D
true story ^^^

works just about anywhere out of the metroplex...
haha... I was wondering why it took James so long to get from Texarkana...
true story ^^^

works just about anywhere out of the metroplex...
haha... I was wondering why it took James so long to get from Texarkana...

I'd rather take a little extra time on the road over paying a ticket 800 miles from home.
It's quite a bit more than that, even in town- especially if you're in Houston or Dallas. An extra 30 minutes in town means quite a bit.

Well, up here most of the lights are timed with the speed limits. Most of the time you can do 40-45 in the 40/45 limit areas and hit the lights as they turn green.

I see people busting ass through downtown Fort Wayne where the lights are TIMED for 30 mph.

They take off, get up to 60-70, slam on the brakes and wait while I putt up along side them as the light goes green. Then they slam on the gas and then slam on the brakes at the next light.

It's fucking stupid especially in rush hour traffic. If you're in the midst of rush hour there is no way that doing 20-30 over will save you a half hour IN town.
What do you do with that extra 10 to 30 seconds you saved by busting ass down the road?

Seriously, I usually cruise at the spd limit during the day and I watch people bust ass past me allll the time... at the next light I trott right up next to them already waiting.


man are you full of shit you haul ass every where you go. :ph34r:
In my car is a different story since I pay for the gas. You've ridden in my Windstar once.

Besides that, if hauling ass means doing 50 in a 45, then I guess you're right.
Thats stupid what about bitch ass soccer mom that try to pass in there for windstar wile im crusin at 75mph in my crx whats that say
I'm gonna start driving naked now. That way I can fly down the highway, set the cruise, and let my junk flop out the driver's side window, flapping in the wind. That'll prove to all the ladies of my enormous johnson, that I don't have to speed to compensate for it.


I just hope it's not cold out. :ph34r:

lol id do the same just one problem :huh: i have no cruise control :eek:

perhaps i should drive naked....nah pink seatcovers and naked skin dont really go together :mellow:
you dont have to pay it 800 miles from hm, you can mail it in and they give you the option to take that bullshit safety class in your town and send them the certificate in the mail, and your done. didnt even have to leave your town again.
what is a "p-plate"?
I see people busting ass through downtown Fort Wayne where the lights are TIMED for 30 mph.

They take off, get up to 60-70, slam on the brakes and wait while I putt up along side them as the light goes green. Then they slam on the gas and then slam on the brakes at the next light.

they need better cars to get up to 80-100 to make the light before it goes red :D
ok well as i would believe as my understanding there in america you get your learners permit and you have that for a certain amount of time and practice you sit for your licence? :mellow: (am i right so far)

well here in australia *hides from kangaroo's* you can sit for your learners at 16 (we dont have driving classes in school) and then after a year of being on your learners and as the law has it NOW you must complete 120 hours of driving :eek: with a fully licenced driver (20 of those must be at night) and then after you have completed those and after having your learners for atleast 6 months (but you must be 17) to sit for your p-plates

red p-plates mean that you can go driving on your own without a fully licenced driver but you must display your p-plates on the car and have them for a year without loosing all your licence points (the max speed you can go with your red p's is 90km/h)

and green p-plates pretty much do the same thing but you must have them for 2 years before moving onto a full licence but you can go up to 100km/h
is there anything on the car that actually shows the color of your plate.

here you just get the learners permit at 15 and have it for at least 12 months before you can test for you "solo" license.
is there anything on the car that actually shows the color of your plate.

here you just get the learners permit at 15 and have it for at least 12 months before you can test for you "solo" license.

well when you are displaying them they stand out....

normally your number plate is either yellow with black letters or white with black letters depending on the state you live in or if its a custom number plate ^_^

the learner plate is yellow with a big red L on it

the 1st P-plates are white with a big red P on it

and 2nd P-plates are white with a big green P on it

you normally just display them where your number plate is or on the windows on the top left or right :mellow: but you must show 2 one in the front one in the back ^_^
Speeding on surface streets is for the mentally challenged. Racing from one light to the next just burns fuel and brakes, and, more importantly, endangers pedestrians. Serious pet peeve of mine, especially if children may be present like in a neighborhood.

Speed limits on the freeway, however, just piss me off. 65mph? I can hit that in 2nd.

Here's my gripe: Given that speed is a drug (going fast, not meth), why is it legal to manufacture, sell, purchase and own vehicles capable of 100+ mph when it is illegal to exceed 65mph (or 75 in some areas)? My ex's POS Tercel could top out in excess of 100mph. WTF?

Instead of installing a HOV should really be an HSV lane. Not high occupancy, high speed.


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