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Junior Member
Okay could anybody help me out with some information on how to make your turn signals blink faster? My teacher said it had something to do with resistors and circuit breakers.. but wouldn't go too deep into because he said it's illegal.. any help would be much appreciated
Yeah the blinker unit is pretty much a circuit breaker. It uses a bi-metal strip that when heated with current flow, opens the circuit, and when it cools it closes the circuit. Each time this happens it give you a blink. The clicking sound you hear in your dash is the bi-metal snapping back and forth. So I suppose a circuit breaker with a thinner strip would blink faster.
Dig around inside your flasher unit- you'll see a large resistor that most of the juice runs through. Make the value of the resistor smaller and you'll blink faster. Replace it with a variable resistor that has the current resistor size as its high value and you can adjust the blink speed.