High "Fructose" corn syrup = cancer

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Not surprised. Corn Syrup and High Fructose Corn Syrup are label as different ingredients. You be amazed today new Terminology. People need to read carefully on the labels these days with today's many misrepresentation.

Well anyway, HFCS is pretty much in everything these days. The most common.

Commerical and Bakery Breads & Pastries.
USA Soda
Lots of Sauces of Tomatoes such as Ketchup and Tomatoes sauces.
Cheap Pizza
Can foods

We are use to the taste of it. But when compared.
HFCS usually has a Mid note and long taste vs Suger has a HIGH note and short to taste. It is sometimes hard to tell if its already integrate in our foods these days.

Its a personal choice of what we eat. Way better back in the day without government food regulations back in the day.