in honor of MLK day...

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in celebration of martin luther king day, im having fried chicken for lunch right now :lol:
b/c black ppl eat fried chicken y0... then again, everyone form the south, like myself, does to.
it's as racist as saying german people eat saurkraut, and japanesse people eat sushi.

take your PC "I'm black and opressed bullshit" elsewhere, cuz there is zero need or desire for it here.
dude.. its not offensive.. its true.. no black person i know would consider it racist.. just like saying you're eating Grits today. Infact. most of the black ppl around here, give you that "you owe me something" look.. i think they'd be very surprised a white person cares enough to step into their culture for a day.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 19 2004, 11:21 AM
it's as racist as saying german people eat saurkraut, and japanesse people eat sushi.

take your PC "I'm black and opressed bullshit" elsewhere, cuz there is zero need or desire for it here.

i'm not one to get into racial arguments over the internet because it is plain stupid. Just be aware the one person's joke might be anothers insult so take that into account next time you decide to joke about someones heritage
Originally posted by spectacle+Jan 19 2004, 06:23 AM-->
@Jan 19 2004, 11:21 AM
it's as racist as saying german people eat saurkraut, and japanesse people eat sushi.

take your PC "I'm black and opressed bullshit" elsewhere, cuz there is zero need or desire for it here.

i'm not one to get into racial arguments over the internet because it is plain stupid. Just be aware the one person's joke might be anothers insult so take that into account next time you decide to joke about someones heritage

what you eat is heritage? bullshit.

I'm mostly french. I enjoy japensse food, italian food, among others.

If someone posted a thread saying, "I had turkey today in memory of tanksgiving" and some british guy got all pissed off about it, cuz well, thanksgiving is about leaving britain for a new beginning. I'd tell him to F-off too, cuz this shit is so 123412312 fucking years ago.

<announcer comes on> Hello and Welcome to HS (that is High School, not HondaSwap) drama, round 2 of the night.</voice>
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 19 2004, 11:29 AM
good. and don't forget the grape soda and watermelon either.

naw homie, gotta down the chicken wit red kool-aid. only way to do it.....
I'm pissed pissed off....that little fiascle last night with my jeep, and being late to work, and almost losing the Z on the icy road,....and all that shit...then when I talked to the 1st shift supervisor...he said I could have taken the day of with no point's......I'm like WTF???

It's MLK Day.....

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Originally posted by spectacle@Jan 19 2004, 06:19 AM
that shit was a racist comment and i find it offensive

I find it offensive that you're referring to women in general as "a bitch" in your sig. Please remove it or I'll remove it for you.