Insomnia :(

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keep taking tylenol pm's and you can say bye bye to your liver. that shit is harsh after repeated use

diphenhydramine Hcl

50 mg. Same active ingredient as a sleeping pill. Take it 1-2 hours before you need to sleep, and don't drive. More of it will knock you down a little sooner, but you'll wake up A LOT more groggy. One drink will knock you down pretty well with that dose, but not hard enough to worry.

Enjoy. My liver might be shot, but I sleep well. I've had trouble sleeping for years.
I don't have a hard time getting to sleep, it's sleeping for long periods.

I went to sleep at 2:30 AM or so, and I was up at 6:30AM for no apparent reason. I don't have to work until 11. The fucked up part is that I have to wake up early on tuesdays and fridays, but always seem to wake up later then I want.

I went to sleep at like 7PM on friday and still didn't wake up until 7:15, I turn off my alarm clock in my sleep, I just don't know when or why.
well i finally got some sleep last night.

passed out real early... like 8 pm. and woke up at about 430 this morning. watched a few infomercials, then did some stuff around the place before getting ready for work.
are you going for the early bird special... 2:30pm dinner?

sounds like my grandparents
crashing before 9 and up before the sun

i was thinking maybe you should start taking a melatonin supplement.

about 40 minutes before bed, you take one little pill. take it for 3 weeks. should by that time re-train your body to know when it's time for bed.

your circadian rhythms have been fucked with.
fucking hippies

i fix my problems the old fashioned way... drugs and alcohol... and lots of it :mrgreen:
after my last post i went an ran....about a mile and a half....goood lord that sounds bad...what happened to the reiko that could run 5-8 miles a day...any way, went for a run and then took a shower....lights out.
Reiko just mentioned a great idea. Running or anyother sort of exercise. You can do it a few hours before you go to bed and i guarentee youll be tired as shit when you get into your bed. that and smoke weed....