milling b16 head

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Hey guys i told you i would keep you posted well the head is done now keeping in mind that i just cleaned up the casting seem and polished the ports. i didnt want to take much out of the ports because it might produce unwanted steps back in performance. I took it to a machine shop where my friends dad works and flow tested it we got an increase of 1-11cfm from 0.150'' lift all the way to 0.550'' at .150 it flowed 125 on the intake and 108 on the exhaust side. At .550 we saw 242 on the intake and 173 on the exhaust side. so it turned out great it exactly what i wanted. My scaner is down i have a virus on my computer so i'm on the work one right now i dont have a digi either so pics will be up asap.
sounds great....I def want to see the pics...dont forget
i personaly would like to see some flow bench numbers more then pics but pics come second on the list :)
Hey guys Pics will be up soon i hope i get my computer back soon my boss is getting pissed at me for using the work computer as soon as my comp is up i will scan the flow chart and some picsfor you guys tocheck out.This was a definate learning experience prolly the first and last vtec head i do its very time concuming i can see why shops charge $900 and up for this now. i will keep you posted thanks for the interest guys. i polished the intake side to a point i kept it a little rough. You wan tsome texture on the intake side because it helps with the atomization of fuel/air mixture. if it was polished to a mirror finish the engine would idle rough and only really work good at high rpms. If you take a look on the net at the new dart cnc head you can see even when p&p is done on a cnc machine the intake side is a little rough but the exhaust side is polished.