mmm new mirage sextoys.

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incandescents. eventually i will retrofit HIDs into them.
Jews fast power...

Don't know if it was supposed to be translated literally, but there you have it.
im the last person anyone could ever thing to fit that stereotype...

i work slow, and i spend like water :D
i don't now how you put up with your mirage... all mine does is frustrates me while i watch matts96hb(rl- /homie/bitchass) build - rebuild turbo blah blah effortlessly... and shit balls for after market support...
i dont know how i put up with it either. i think alot of it has to do with how i can get in it and drive it everywhere even with the motor as bad as it is now. i really cant argue reliability, the only thing left on the car that is OEM is the shell, dashboard and bottom end :lol:

new to me hoosiers. 225/45r15. stickier than the Rcomp hankooks i had last year hehe.

Rofl, I bet those will be REALLY sticky for autocross. I went to the second autocross of our season on Sunday :D
9 years of winter driving tells me that i will wreck my car if these go on before april. dont be dumb.