My New Project

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In my own little world!
Here is my new Ride.

Sold my DD for this lol...

213,223 Miles on body hardly any surface honda cancer
80,787 miles on H22a
P14, needs a 13 or 28 :)
16" rims lol
anyways pics, paid $1,500






awesome price. I kinda like the fron bumper if you can make it match the rest of the car without being to ricey :)
Looks like it definitely needs a bit of body help, but good pick up for $1,500. Good luck with it!
Not bad at all for $1500, so what are the plans for it? Hopefully ditching the kit is first on the list.
do you have parkinsons? or was there an earthquake while you were taking those stellar pics with your cell phone??? ;)

looks like a workable project car

good luck and remember to have fun (that IS why we do this dumb shit with our cars after all) :thumbsup:
Haha, they were taken with my sony camra in some mode to see it at night lmao.... and I was 3/4 gone to the wind drunk an on my cell haha