My own Breakfast

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well, it just puzzles me how you can be sooooo into this girl, and not do something so simple. it wouldnt take much to make her happy and keep her around. plus it's motivation to fix one of your cars. sounds like a win/win to me. :shrug2:
i dont get what the car and bike have to do with anything.
You ride a bike. But I'm a different sort of biker. My bike is my new brush, and the road is still my canvas. Cars are my brush too, but riding to me is an artform, a philosophy and life changing activity. It's gone towards defining the scope of who I am and what I choose to do with my time. It's also an addiction with no ill effect. If there is any drug that equals what a bike does for me, I don't want to know about it.

People get different things out of riding a bike.

that said, the bike is for me. The car will come (I can't do this rain and snow shit forever) but for now, it's not. So unless she only wants to take walks around town with me for the next 6 months, we've reached an impasse.
read the "so theres this girl thread"

steve got into a spat with the girl because he only has a bike and she doesn't drive and wont ride on the back of the bike. so steve is being a blockhead and losing a girl because of it.

steve, do you really think she is going to keep you from riding? no, she just wants to be safe and DRY and RELAX. not every girl wants to ride on the back of a bike when they travel. they want to lean back, play with the radio, go to sleep and give road head. common sense owns you right now. i'm not trying to bust your balls, i'm on your side buddy.

Were she sober, as she is when we go out, we could have a decent and nice conversation about it. Since she was drunk and being a douchebag, she hung up on me instead.

The hang up is the issue. If it were the bike, I would be sitting here pining with you guys "oh woe is me ! She doesn't like the bike!" . I'm not speaking to her because she treated me in a way that I didn't deserve - and it's the second time in 2 weeks this has happened. The first time I felt she was just feeling bad about herself, and mirrored it back to me as if I was the reason she was so nervous to be around me. She even admitted that she was scared that I was just a joke, or that I wasn't serious about her.
my ex from 4 years ago hit me up. when i was with her, it was horrible. now i'm old enough to realize why. she was 19, like your woman.

your goal is to QUICKLY learn how to treat, handle, and care for a 19 year old again. if you want her around, you have to learn this stuff. my ex was cool, but she was also unstable. you have to coddle and nurture these girls, and teach them about everything. you have to be the better person.

if you can't/wont do this, date someone who is 30. there is baggage that comes with every age group. once you realize this, you can figure out more of what you are looking for. until then, just lay low and keep your heart at home when you go out.
so what are the odds of her talking to you again?

Oh and what was the falling out over?
Also, I hope I do get to talk to her again. But I'm not calling. I want to see an apology from her.

She may be 19 and I 32, but fuck man, I'm worth treating nicely. And I've got no trouble, apparently, getting some attractive women but I DO have trouble getting women that think in a way that's semi-compatible with me.
i dont know about anyone else in this thread, but i cant fit 5 people on my bike comfortable. shit, i cant fuck on my bike either. i guess i drive the car most of the time then :)
my ex from 4 years ago hit me up. when i was with her, it was horrible. now i'm old enough to realize why. she was 19, like your woman.

your goal is to QUICKLY learn how to treat, handle, and care for a 19 year old again. if you want her around, you have to learn this stuff. my ex was cool, but she was also unstable. you have to coddle and nurture these girls, and teach them about everything. you have to be the better person.

if you can't/wont do this, date someone who is 30. there is baggage that comes with every age group. once you realize this, you can figure out more of what you are looking for. until then, just lay low and keep your heart at home when you go out.

yeah, this is very much true. You're right, I do need to adapt to the situation.

Yeah, yeah... ok. I can go with that. Lemme think of a way to get back in.
i dont know about anyone else in this thread, but i cant fit 5 people on my bike comfortable. shit, i cant fuck on my bike either. i guess i drive the car most of the time then :)

You're also a lame ass "5%" biker.
just send the girl a text. it's in between ignoring her and calling. it's very cordial.
Sure thing, but we do a different riding. You're a different rider. And, since I know you, You're totally lame.
i would ride more if i had a place to keep the 750 where i live, also its not totally feasible to ride 40 miles each way with a laptop and possibly other thing in a bag that i may need throughout the day.
awwwwww I do it. I did it in the rain today. No specialized gear.

I'm not going to pick on you for not riding the same way I do, and not getting the same out of riding that I do - I only wanna point out that different people ride bikes for a different experience. I get something different out of than you do. Some guys only ride 40k show bikes back and forth to bars. Others do expeditions. Others do only track days. You get out what you want to...

... which brings us back to "What does a car or a bike have to do with it". The bike is part of who I am now. My level of riding pretty much engulfs and consumes my life. Every thought process I have has been altered by it.
i have a running driving automobile with a sealed cabin so i dont get wet. why would i take my mint antique bike out in crappy weather just to spend hours cleaning it later? :)

i ride when its convenient and i can have guaranteed fun. another thing it is good for is to take a ladyfriend down to the lake for some skinnydipping ;)
just send the girl a text. it's in between ignoring her and calling. it's very cordial.
I did the text thing. 13 texts.

I wrote them all out in notepad, reviewed each, and then sent them in rapid fire.
I did the text thing. 13 texts.

I wrote them all out in notepad, reviewed each, and then sent them in rapid fire.

you should have just sent one.

"hey, what's up?"

play it like a pimp. you are going to scare her off.