My own Breakfast

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I thought body piercings and electricity didn't go well together....

well...if you light up her life...more kudo's to you.
Ok, enough of this relationship crap.

Go have relationships with 19 year olds. Take pics, get freaky, share details. Some of us are married, you know.
So what kind of step-up transformer are you using to drive it?

I normally use the flyback from an old TV set.
Poem I just sent to her:

The water's turbulence warns of the future
The leaves turn upward and the sky turns green
The sun retreats in it's coward direction
The earth shakes and heaves
The lights flicker and go out
My foot sinks into the floor,as fire wisps at my face
My body falls into the earth like a stone thrown into a lake
My heart stops and the future is unknown
My eyes see black, and I'm falling,
From above a light shines
it is distant, and Bright
I want to be near it.
it says my name,
the light is you
it's voice is yours
you stop my fall,
And you pull me into your arms
And you wrap your wings around me
into your protection
Time stops,
and it is quiet
so quiet
The wind is slow
and stops it's violence
The earth stands still
And now I know
how strong you are
Had a bit of a falling out. Surprised if she calls me again. Que sera., enjoy.


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It was probably that lame ass poem :disgust1:

But, did you honestly expect a long term, committed relationship? I think you did great, and should maintain your momentum, with the lessons learned you are now a more formidable adversary in the pussy slaying gladitorium.
I think you did great, and should maintain your momentum, with the lessons learned you are now a more formidable adversary in the pussy slaying gladitorium.

:ph34r: was that before or after you gave her the shiner in pic 2?
I'm surprised to see her face at all in those pics. She hides her face with her hair.

Got issues, I know. And you know what else ? She STILL wouldn't tell me her last name. I went down the list of reasons why not, but nothing. She was testing my patience. (I've got the patience of a saint, baby)
steve, you sir are a dumbass. i understand sticking to your beliefs. but come on man. you have 8 cars sitting in your driveway. why not fix 1, just fucking one so you can keep getting 19 year old pussy.

lets see...stick by beliefs and keep only the bike and be alone or fix a stupid car that has been rotting in my driveway so i can keep being king shit and keep tapping 19 year old ass.

not that fucking hard here buddy. swallow your pride and call the bitch.
i dont get what the car and bike have to do with anything.
read the "so theres this girl thread"

steve got into a spat with the girl because he only has a bike and she doesn't drive and wont ride on the back of the bike. so steve is being a blockhead and losing a girl because of it.

steve, do you really think she is going to keep you from riding? no, she just wants to be safe and DRY and RELAX. not every girl wants to ride on the back of a bike when they travel. they want to lean back, play with the radio, go to sleep and give road head. common sense owns you right now. i'm not trying to bust your balls, i'm on your side buddy.
You're the dumbass, Dumbass. I have a Vega with no engine and a CRX with no engine. I ride a bike. If it's so important to her that someone has a car, let her get a car.

I'll get a car, but right now I have to do grown-up things like pay a mortgage and keep myself above water.

This isn't the first 19 - 24 year old I've dated since my split. I'm not too worried about finding another "trophy girlfriend". I really like this girl , even outside of all the x-factors. The others were vapid and completely uninteresting. This girl is just on the edge, and I'm not going to walk on eggshells to keep her around. I can't, I'm too "all over the map" to work with this kind of personality.

My ex was like this too, but a bit more passive agressive about it. She was always "wanting" to do something, but rejected all of my ideas, and then called me "boring" for not being able to entertain her. When the bike came along, I was completely gone from her schedule and she looked elsewhere for a boyfriend who was boring like her.

This isn't who I am. Hanging around with me, there is no time to drink and party. I'm too occupied with travel, going to museums, meeting new people, making a mark - Just to name a few.