My own Breakfast

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the normal 19yr old girl would send 13 texts in a row. maybe it will work in his favor.

you should have just sent one.

"hey, what's up?"

play it like a pimp. you are going to scare her off.

We've been over this. It doesn't matter what I try to be. I don't want my persona to get the girl, I want me to get the girl.

Most of my texts being so long are because I don't speak T9. I got a Helio Ocean for a reason. I'm being my self. And myself seeks to understand, then seeks to be understood. There is no failure of that directive. The world is lucky is that I state my intent at least in prose, and not in plain terms.

"me rich, you jane"

On paper I'm the perfect man. All you have to do as a woman is be courteous to me and not light me on fire.
I believe most SMS is around 160 characters.

I'd like to see these texts.

whatever fuck u bye

So I deleted her out of the books. Wiped clean.
wow, nice to see she stooped to 15yr old tactics to give you the brush. so moving on, who is getting a ride on your bike this weekend? you had someone else interested a few days back.


ps really, i know you were kinda into this girl, but i'm thinking this hurts a lot less than what would have happened a month or 5 from now.
oh, absolutely. It sucks, no doubt but I have nothing invested in her.

A few days ago a black chick at work has been taking interest in me. She's also like 20, and she's one of the square badges there. Loves the bike, we've been spending lunch together talking. nice girl, real sweet. Looks just like the girl from battlestar galactica.
oh sweet, you mean:


yeah, except that picture is more photoshop than her.

Injen said "what kind of smartass Celerity shit do you have for her"
and I just said "Nah.. I'll let it go" and I quietly deleted her off my contacts.
you're so right
I shouldn't have deleted her
I just came up with the Celeritism
"NEVER darken my towels AGAIN"

I guess I was actually in such shock, that I missed an opportunity.
Don't even have her number now.

Fuck it. Her piercings were cool. And she ended every sentence in an upward inflection, like everything was a question.
Well at the rate you are chewing through them, probabilities dictate that one of them will pan out. I've found that when you are looking, it is impossible to find what you are looking for. As soon as you stop looking, what it is you were looking for will fall into your lap. Anyway, 32 and 19 would never work. You are in a much different place. Any girl that acts like she's 30 when she's 19 is probably a multiple rape victim...
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I'm getting a lot of bites on the hook, nothing really coming out of the water.

It's wierd, she professed her love me the night before she had her little melt down. Lies.

I'm patting myself on the back.
Maybe it all goes back to "sealing the deal", closing, if you will...
Fuck you. this isn't my fault.

I normally have no problem considering that it may be, but fuck you. It's not my fault. None of these drunken bitches are my problem. There is no reason to talk to me like that, at any time. "I don't think things are working out, good bye" is acceptable.

Being mean to me is just albanian style asshole. I did nothing to deserve her 'tude and nothing to deserve the fuck off.
Fuck you. this isn't my fault.

I normally have no problem considering that it may be, but fuck you. It's not my fault. None of these drunken bitches are my problem. There is no reason to talk to me like that, at any time. "I don't think things are working out, good bye" is acceptable.

Being mean to me is just albanian style asshole. I did nothing to deserve her 'tude and nothing to deserve the fuck off.

I wasn't referring specifically to her. You just said you had been getting a lot of bites but nothing coming out of the water. From the sound of most of these girls, it's for the best. Note also that I said maybe, hoping to spur on the discussion...
you're right. I'm on the edge. Sorry.

taken out of context. Going to bed, really tired and my mind is garbled.