My own Breakfast

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so did you have sex with this girl or not?
I don't think he parked his bike in her garage.
Get the fuck over it. Jesus Christmas you're gonna spend more time bitching than you did dating.
I'm with klyph on this one.

Get back on the bike, and get to stunnin again.
Get over it ? I'm asking this guard chick here to go out this weekend.

I'm over it. :) The real only permanent damage is the piercings. No one can do eyebrow piercings like this chick. I'm ruined.
I'm guessing you laid the reality hard on her and pointed out things about her that she didn't want to accept

well done, moving on
at least you got some more experience
Actually, no. From the beginning I decided not to do that because i didn't want to fulfill the role that her dead dad should have.

The worst my presence did was scare her that I had already lived 10 times the life she has. Or, that she did turn out to have issue with me being so much older. Said she didn't, but people lie

Unless that's what you mean. Because my lifestyle does that to people. It's like when people say "I've done everything, baby" and then it turns out everyone in the room is an international man of mystery. I show lots of people up.
yeah, except that picture is more photoshop than her.

Injen said "what kind of smartass Celerity shit do you have for her"
and I just said "Nah.. I'll let it go" and I quietly deleted her off my contacts.
you're so right
I shouldn't have deleted her
I just came up with the Celeritism
"NEVER darken my towels AGAIN"

I guess I was actually in such shock, that I missed an opportunity.
i had a feeling you wouldve changed your mind and wanted t tear her apart:D
You were right. Shoulda got some liquid courage in me (a few shots of the Demon) and had at her.
So lemme see if I get this right,

Black chicks shower weekly, or what ? The hair gets ultra slimey and greasy if they do, or don't clean it ? How do these chicks take care of themselves ?
Chugs.... and Jugs ? Man, you need a job.

This girl is mocha, willing to bet a half breed. She yells my name across the room now. Nothing but pleasantries so far, but she seems like a really nice girl. I tried to get in close for a sniff and got nothing, so I guess that's good. And it's raining here, so I have no clue what that means for the hair.

She mentioned that she couldn't find an umbrella today, but that didn't seem to stop her . I mean, I am active in bad weather - I walk in the rain, ride in the rain, and I never miss an opportunity to spend time in fog. My hair gets pretty nappy in it, but I just go on with wavy hair for the rest of the day and dismiss it. The humid days get my face really oily, and I have to wash my face like every hour at least to keep the zits at bay.

Yeah, Zits aren't a puberty thing, if you want some wisdom from the ol' man.
i have no not really into blacks..
only the really light skinned ones that look like they have a drop f chocolate in them,,oooo those are the hot ones...
like tyra banks..
but i do want to have a one nighter with one of the dark ones,that look like this--- <----NSFW

Tyra Banks isn't that great looking. A team of makeup artists and stylists produce what you get to see.
Yeah, I guess this is what this chick is like. I don't mind the darker, pure black skin tones. It's the physique that I'm always into. A skinny black girl is hot as hell. The typical fat asses are to be avoided at all costs.

And street thuggy types, from any race, are also avoided. Clear spoken and polite is baseline for Celerity Women.
I have grounds to weigh in on this one. My first girlfriend was a black girl. We were together for three years. She sounded white, was well educated (or working on being I should say), and ambitious. Her parents were off the boat Jamaican, and were also hard working and ambitious. Her body was amazing. She's a little bigger now than when I dated here but, she just won Miss New Hampshire about a month ago and will compete for Miss America next year. I think you can find her here
I understand that black girls have specific showering habits, because their hair turns into "a big mess" if they shower off of that routine. If they shower everyday, they have to cap it. I imagine that it must get too dry, and too ashy or something, if they wash it everyday or whatever. But a friend of mine tells me the opposite - if they wash it too often, it gets greasy and, she said "slimy". I need clarification.