New Color?

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Junior Member
I need help picking a new color for my car....Right now it's CW but everybodys got a hatch that color....Looking for something different, was leaning towards estate green or something like it but not sure... I have to make up my mind before the end of the month so my dad can pull the engine and interior to paint it and put it back together before I get home. Any input would be helpful...
How about oem Championship White? <_< Spend the money on parts, not a aftermarket paint job that will bring down the car's value.
I am painting mine frost or champion white this summer...mine is milano red right now. Its really ugly I think. My buddy has a green 96 civic, its kinda cool looking but personally I would if I wanted to stand out go like electron blue or sonic blue.
The cars allready championship white, I just want something different.. Not something that's really gonna stand out, just different. I'm still kinda leaning toward the estate green.. it's the color that comes on the expedition kinda an army green color... Ugly as hell so no one will want to copy it...LOL!!!
Orange y0. Remember the New Zealand Accord? That was awesome.
Or do black or silver, my two favorite colors for cars.
primer it like flat black or primer flat white. Flat white gets dirty but you can't tell its primer if you do a good job sanding. I only saw it once and thought it was just a regular paint job until I got up close.
well if you want to spend a lot on a paint job have it custom with all your fav colors together as a camillion to change colors at every angle. my friends gsr is metalic green, silver, black. it may sound stupid but it looks really good and if you want to stand out and look good at every angle changing colors thats the way to go. i dunno just a thought..

pearl white crx
What about platinum? :)

There's an RX-7 from Import Tuner last year that was platinum. That shit will show up anything... just takes silver (my favorite car color) to a whole new level.
Originally posted by TrailorParkPimp@Feb 10 2003, 05:51 PM
im trying to think of a color to primer my car with. someone help me out!

dude try some rust red primer like what i have spotted on my civic, check my gallery and see my ugly unpainted pos, with a bike rack. lol
yellow would look tite! (minus the wing and body kit maybe)
