no wonder why kids today can barely read...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Briansol
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Didn't B live in his parents basement til he was 24?......

In Japan, a lot of parents live with their it's no big deal. Just email her back and see what her scoop never know.....

you just never know...

...that she might be the best thing in the world for ya.

When I was in Japan...I was scared, and didn't know WTF I would do...but it came naturally after the first chick I met... :P
I laugh at ppl who look down on others because of financial status. In the real world a lot of the ppl who Ive worked side by side with have taught me far more than those who I work for. Guess who the ones makin the big money were (the answer might surprise you). Its quite sad that ppl cant look at someone for their knowledge instead of their pay check.
I guess I'm an asshole. I could never date anyone who lived with their parents past 25 unless..

Family has med problems and needs 24/7 support.
Sold a house, in limbo looking for another place....
Or is still a full time student

Starting a business takes a lot, but if I didn't have enough money to start something up while being able to pay my rent or house note, I would never start something up.

Anyone can make great money, it's all in how you go about your life, I broke 60K a year before having a GED. Did I get lucky? no, I worked my ass off. B also makes great money, he also works his ass off just as hard as any other big # making guy. I believe we both feel the same way about people who make little money, it's not because they make less money, it's because we both know if they put enough effort into it, they could make something happen.

someone in their 30s that lives at home.. what does that scream to the assholes like me and B?

That person lacks drive.....

yup. exactly. Neither myself nor jeffie hold degrees. I'm a product of public school education. If i can do it, any one can. Maybe not in my field, but in another field that they are good at.

i used 2 vacation days last year when i went on that fishing trip. that's it. i called out sick a couple times, sure... but i at least worked for a little while from home, checking email etc.

I'm 28, and broke 6 figures this year... and then some. And i'm a college drop out.

work hard now, retire at 45. enjoy life until you're dead.
Well, then i'm an asshole too. my gf is an asshole and all my friends are assholes. working hard and being elite doesn't make you an asshole. just scraping by each week doesn't make you a loser. it's just different.
Well, then i'm an asshole too. my gf is an asshole and all my friends are assholes. working hard and being elite doesn't make you an asshole. just scraping by each week doesn't make you a loser. it's just different.

no, that doesnt make you an asshole.
your perception and the way you treat others make you an asshole..
hardwork should be applauded, lazy people should not.
but you dont have to look down and condescend upon those who might have had worse luck or made mistakes in their life.
no, that doesnt make you an asshole.
your perception and the way you treat others make you an asshole..
hardwork should be applauded, lazy people should not.
but you dont have to look down and condescend upon those who might have had worse luck or made mistakes in their life.
i don't look down on people who choose a different lifestyle, i applaud them for being happy. i look down on those who complain about people who work hard while they do nothing.
Dare I inject the word "happiness"?

what makes you happy? How about wall street millionairs who are so fucking stressed and wired out they blow their brains out because a stock drops..

Or a friend of mine, works his ass off for a year, saves mad cash, then takes 6 months to a year off.. That makes him happy. he lives in a camper in a trailer park, but he is free to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.

Me, I've worked at a place where I made good money, worked 80+ hours a week.. There were several week-long stretches where I didn't see home at all. Sometimes I got home in time to give a goodnight kiss to the kiddos. Most of the time they were crashed out already. I was stressed, had high blood pressure, was missing out on life, but I was making great money.

Now, I make way less money, I work 50 hours a week, 4 days on 3 days off, and I'm always home by 6:00pm. Huge paycut, blood pressure is normal, and my stress level isn't 1/100th of what it used to be.

I can certainly applaud those who do what they love and make damn good money doing it, I hope to get there some day. But to those who are miserable and have traded their lives for a healthy paycheck so they can report big numbers and gloat.. You lose. You should step back and evaluate your quality of life.
i don't look down on people who choose a different lifestyle, i applaud them for being happy. i look down on those who complain about people who work hard while they do nothing.
then youre not an asshole.
ive never seen anybody complain about somebody working hard though.. why would they care?
its the attitude of some people who work hard just to secure a future that we are talking about.
Dare I inject the word "happiness"?

i double dog dare you!
i don't look down on people who choose a different lifestyle, i applaud them for being happy. i look down on those who complain about people who work hard while they do nothing.

Respectable. :thumbsup:

I can certainly applaud those who do what they love and make damn good money doing it, I hope to get there some day. But to those who are miserable and have traded their lives for a healthy paycheck so they can report big numbers and gloat.. You lose. You should step back and evaluate your quality of life.

I feel the same way, and I live that way too. I work 38-42 hours a week roughly, and thats it. I spend a lot of time with the G/F, and enough time with friends. I have enough money to pay the bills, and still go about doin the majority of the things I want to do. I am however gunna get back in school, get some welding certs and machining education. Just so I can open doors up with my career. Ill prally never see 6 figures, and Im fine with that. But, Im not fine with ppl regarding me a "common folk" as some would say, because Im not gunna take time from loved ones to make a few more bucks.
its just money.

do you know how many people work their ass off, make hella money and just submerse themselves in work just to get ahead in life then look back and wish theyd done everything different..
ever see that movie with nicolas cage?
its just money.

do you know how many people work their ass off, make hella money and just submerse themselves in work just to get ahead in life then look back and wish theyd done everything different..
ever see that movie with nicolas cage?

i would rather look back with a shitload of money than die broke in a nursing home wishing i did something with my life.
i just looked at the link again and it says she lives on her own with her 3 cats,,where did this living with mommy come from??
i would rather look back with a shitload of money than die broke in a nursing home wishing i did something with my life.

Just because someone doesnt have an abundance of spending money now, since when does that mean theyre not saving for retirement?
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double post, i would much rather live comfotably than stressed and wealthy
some people deal well with alot of work,others dont,i am one that doesnt,and would be fine getting the bills paid
like the thousands of millionaires who have lost their fortunes with fraudulents investments ? All the people who lost their shirts in a 401K from corrupt corporations ?

Yeah. They're idiots, aren't they ?

You need a vacation in a dumpster. You really do.
i would rather look back with a shitload of money than die broke in a nursing home wishing i did something with my life.

I have a solid plan in place to retire very well. On an average income. It can be done if you have common sense and diligence.
like the thousands of millionaires who have lost their fortunes with fraudulents investments ? All the people who lost their shirts in a 401K from corrupt corporations ?

Yeah. They're idiots, aren't they ?

You need a vacation in a dumpster. You really do.

Im lost, whos that directed at?
I have a solid plan in place to retire very well. On an average income. It can be done if you have common sense and diligence.

the key is to simply not live beyond your means. if you have to put everything on credit and take out loans, put shit on layaway, etc. you are going to have problems. it's not the economy, it's your spending habits.