Pensacola,florida , Great Lakes, Illinoise

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hey i am going to great lakes in feb for boot camp then to pensacola.florida for schooling for navy. anyone live around there???
just wanted to know so i could ride in some rice whal im down there sense i wont have mine. lol
went to boot camp in may 02, great lakes licks ass, boot camp or school. i hear pensacola is nice, but not much better. dont expect much while your still in school, they treat you only a little better than boot unless you got a C school somehwere like me. im in dahlgren, va.
Originally posted by hatchboy@May 1 2003, 06:58 PM
hey i am going to great lakes in feb for boot camp then to pensacola.florida for schooling for navy. anyone live around there???
just wanted to know so i could ride in some rice whal im down there sense i wont have mine. lol

my brother goes to school in pesacola, i live in destin about 1 hour away. it is a nice area, white beachs lots of tourist, sometimes there is surf.
what do you mean by "the great lakes" theres five of them and they cover a lot of area ;) and I live in Illinois
Well i am going to a A school then a C school after that. I am doing Air Crew (NON Rescue) hopeing to get on a p3, they offered me cryptologiv tech, missile tech,engineman and like 4 other ones and i wanted to fly so i chose air crew.I go to Great lakes for basic then pensacola for school. Why would it suck there? its fucking florida, lol im from washington state
ok, you're going to be at the base just north of chicago on michigan, right by the nuclear power plant zion. Thats like 40 minutes from me. Its pretty close to chicago
rite on,whats it like in basic and in pensacola? how do they treat u, what do i have to expect?