pissed at my woman

  • Thread starter Thread starter 90 accord
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90 accord

Chicks dig the box
i spent 120 bucks(a lot for me, i make 5.75 an hour...) on her today, which she knows i've werked my ass off to get, and i am saving it to spend on my car, and i hardly got a thanks. and to top it off, i didn't get anything from her either *pleasure ;) *[/rant]

sorry bout this post, just blowing off steam
my 2 years is EXACLTY why i don't put up with shit. If she was my girl, and didn't say thank you- id leave her ass. its just fuckign rude.

i dont put up with shit from my girl, or any girl for that matter- and thats why im single...
i now what you mean B, but i am in love with her, but no quite feeling that way right now... ineed to sleep on it
the expenses were...

roses(20 bucks) teddy bear(75) dinner(30-35)

there was no special reason why i did this, i just felt like i've been cheep for to long, and wanted to try to make it up to her
dude, sounds like IMO maybe she's feeling a little smothered. I would try not being around her, calling her, etc. so often. sounds like the message she's sending is "you're too into me"???? just my guess. I would like take her a little bit for granted for the next week or so, and act like you're just sort of not noticing her that much. make sense? women hate thinking they aren't the center of a guys attention, but they also cant stand it when a guy is trying too hard or being too infatuated with her.
lol i talked to him today, this is actually a rare occurrence for him to do for her, he doesn't get to spend much on her..
hmm ok, well then it could be that she feels he shouldnt hafe spent all that on her. in that case, just chalk it up as a learning experience i guess.
I woulda smacked her in the mouth with the roses and ripped the teddy bears head off if she didnt say thanks to me. Honestly bro that was a very nice thing you did. Most chicks woulda ate that shit up. Maybe she is losing interest? No offens but it sounds like it to me. If I came home with flowers and a teddy bear for my wife she would go crazy bro. I am like you I never do that kinda shit. I'll get some flowers for my wife this week and let you know what her reaction is. this will tell you what a woman who loves you would react! I'll skip on the teddy and dinner though(i'm a cheap bastard). lol
Originally posted by 90 accord@Oct 23 2002, 01:28 AM
the expenses were...

roses(20 bucks) teddy bear(75) dinner(30-35)

there was no special reason why i did this, i just felt like i've been cheep for to long, and wanted to try to make it up to her

I'm in the same boot as knowledge. If I came home with some roses , took her out to dinner and gave her a little teddy bear, my wife would be jumpin my bones. I never think of shit like that. I'll do the same this weekend and see what happens
Most girls would suck that shit up through a straw, and ooh and ahh and make cooing noises, right before they give you the boinking of your life.

"We got HOSED Tommy!!!"
lmfao@we got hosed tommy.. that mt dew commercial rules... yea if i spend that kinda money on my girl and she didnt say two simple words (thank you) it would be on. Let alone id be expecting to get some :P
she tells me that she loves me, and cant stand to be without me...

she did really liek them, but she didn;t really show it. she coulda atleast given my some fun ;) BUT NO.. oh well, its in the past, and i'm gunna talk to her about it today, see whats up
Originally posted by dohcvtec_accord@Oct 23 2002, 09:13 AM
Most girls would suck that shit up through a straw, and ooh and ahh and make cooing noises, right before they give you the boinking of your life.

"We got HOSED Tommy!!!"

i thought that was from tommy boy
roses(20 bucks) teddy bear(75) dinner(30-35)

Just curious what kind of teddy bear was that? And a tip, not sure how many roses you bought, but check out Albertsons, 12 roses under 10 bucks. They can only call you cheap if they find out how much you spent (plus you can always say "its the thought that counts"). I get the same response of nothing from my girl too, just say a few things to kinda imply a guilt trip, and usually they'll come back around.
Just curious what kind of teddy bear was that? And a tip, not sure how many roses you bought, but check out Albertsons, 12 roses under 10 bucks. They can only call you cheap if they find out how much you spent (plus you can always say "its the thought that counts"). I get the same response of nothing from my girl too, just say a few things to kinda imply a guilt trip, and usually they'll come back around.[/QUOTE}
there was a dozen roses, but it had that filler stuff and a vase...

it was a teddy bear from toys-r-us lol, but it was that cheapest i found

i did give her a lil guilt and she does feel sorry, i'm heading over to her house now, i'll see whats going on, and let you all know