Ranger progress pics

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i was able to get around and some work on the Ranger today. a few weeks ago i got a new fiberglass roll pan from Godfather Customs. so anyways, it was nice today so i decided to take the old metal one off as it was rusting and looking horrible. i had to sawzall the old one off as the screws were rusted to all hell. after i got the old one off, i drilled some mounting holes and test fit it on. heres a pic:


after determining the fit was good, i put the tailgate on (new as well) and this is what i have:


as you can see i still have alot of work to do. im gonna mold it into the bed sides to make the rear end look nice and smooth. i also need to shim the top of the roll pan to make it look all nice and flush. thats it for today. more pics to come!!!
Is that how you are leaving your gas tank? Wouldn't a fuel cell be a lot safer?
I was just asking, don't want to see your truck catch on fire if you get rearended.
a little update :)

today i ran around town and picked up a license plate install kit, can of primer, misc. hardware and license plate light. i had to use some washers as spacers to make the rollpan sit flush with the bedsides so i wouldnt have as much to fiberglass in when i mold it all in. the license plate install kit i picked up at Advance Auto and the license plate light i picked up at Tractor Supply of all places. anyways, heres some pics:



still got more to do and its actually coming together pretty decently. if i hadnt had to run around so much getting crap for it, i woulda started molding in the roll pan to the bedsides. anyways, thats about it!!!
You're welcome for getting those washers in for you, since I received no special mention.

I woulda stayed and helped put the tailgate on if you'd asked. Sorry yo.

alright i got it done!!! shes molded in. pics and info below on everything.

*note* in no way at all am i one that does body work so if i didnt do something right or too well, this was my first time doing this.

first i sanded down the area where i was gonna apply my fiberglass and then added some fiberglass matt down soaked in resin/hardner mix:

after letting it dry for a day (it was a little cool thats why it took so long), i added some body filler and put it on as smooth as possible so it wouldnt be such a pain to sand:

after letting the body filler cure for awhile, i sanded it down nice and smooth:

i had to add some extra body filler in some places to get it too look right.

after sanding the body filler down, and cleaning the dust off, i primered it real nice:

and heres what it looks like with the tailgate on and truck aired down:

i still have a few spots i need to redo, but for the most part, its done!! thanks for looking and any and all feedback is welcome :)