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honestly, they taste the exact same.

it was an emergency pak. I got tied up with shit from work and ran out of smokes... so i went a couple doors down to a buddy of mine who's g/f smokes marb lights seeing if they had an extra pak lying around instead of going to the store. turns out they buy cartons from some online shop... so they had a whole bunch :)

took me 2 min instead of 10 and no one knew i left :)
i thought you quit smoking?
He tries to quit smoking just as often as he tries to get into shape.

It's one of those things.
werd... i quit every night. lol
i thought about going for a jog the other day, then sad, bah f that, made some food, had a smoke, and watched some tv instead. lol
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Damnit... I'm trying to remember where i used to buy from... it was ???smokeshop.com or something like that. Had a SLIGHTLY different taste. Came from switzerland IIRC....

<---- Cold Turkey for... Sept 8 will be 3 years. Holy Shit its been awhile.

EDIT: I still crave.. ALL THE TIME.