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Originally posted by punkyjewster41@Nov 15 2003, 02:48 PM

i go to a christian theological school and speakers are always lecturing on how they a man named jesus who was crucified, whether you wishresearched and discovered that every single thing in the bible DID happen, there was to accept him as your savior or not, there WAS a man named moses, heck, even the jews can agree on that, the way i see it, when i tell people why im a christian, at the VERY least i am living a much better life now than before, free of debauchary and the abuse of drugs, alchohol, things that were leading me nowhere.

i hope those speakers have belts, so they have something to strap themselves onto their high horses :roll:

discovered that every single thing in the bible DID happen

id love to see how they explain these 1100 contradictions noted in the bible

it is impossible for everything in the bible to have happened, considering the contradictions and false prophecies.


most interesting contradiction being here-

2 chron 36:9 Jehoiachin was eight years old when he began to reign; he reigned three months and ten days in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD.

2 Kings 24:8 Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign; he reigned three months in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Nehushta daughter of Elnathan of Jerusalem.

wtf jehoiachin was 18 and 8 when he begain to reign???!?! error divide by zero :bash:


also arguments based on the bible are not valid as the belief in the bible is NOT generally accepted by everyone and you cannot use opinion in an argument
E - you couldn't have said it any better. I completely agree with you 100%.

More wars, death, and bloodshed have been started due to religious beliefs. Me personally I can't stand violence, I believe that there is a god, and I know that I am not him/her.

by the way I am Roman Catholic
i remembered a few years back about Noah's Ark being discovered and did a search and found this article thats pretty interesting:

pic of the Ark:
not sure, im still trying to figure out if i should beleive something just becuase a lot of people do and say i should.

this discussion is going to get ugly fast.
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Nov 15 2003, 12:40 PM
easiest way to describe my belief would be to say im spiritual not religous....

i believe in something greater than myself.... not sure what that is though.... i find most religions to be little more than elaborate fairy tales to explain the unexplained... most seem to be centered around a set of basic principles of decency though... so i take those basic features and form a "belief" of my own i guess

its hard to trust any religion that states that THEY are the ones who are right and the rest of the world is fucked :bs:

very well put ;)
i hardly consider that conclusive evidence

i like the heading "THIS IS NOAH'S ARK!!!"


theres no reason why it just couldnt be an ark that some dude cruised around in
Originally posted by SolReaver@Nov 15 2003, 03:27 PM
i hardly consider that conclusive evidence

i like the heading "THIS IS NOAH'S ARK!!!"

theres no reason why it just couldnt be an ark that some dude cruised around in

did u read the article at all?? the guy that found it, was double verified by the Turkey government and gave him credit on the discovery. also, look at the picture below:


the size of Noahs Ark compared to the USS Kitty Hawk


according to the article, the Ark measures 515 feet long which is exactly 300 Royal Egyptian cubits (20.6 inches) and since "Moses was schooled in Egypt and was not familiar with the Hebrew cubit which was not even in existence when Moses wrote Genesis", then i find it believeable that that IS the Ark that Noah built. hearing shit like this gets me thinking that something MAY have happened. who knows but i think its pretty fascinating to hear about something thats biblical was actually discovered.
Originally posted by TrailorParkPimp@Nov 15 2003, 03:37 PM
did u read the article at all?? the guy that found it, was double verified by the Turkey government and gave him credit on the discovery. also, look at the picture below:


the size of Noahs Ark compared to the USS Kitty Hawk


according to the article, the Ark measures 515 feet long which is exactly 300 Royal Egyptian cubits (20.6 inches) and since "Moses was schooled in Egypt and was not familiar with the Hebrew cubit which was not even in existence when Moses wrote Genesis", then i find it believeable that that IS the Ark that Noah built. hearing shit like this gets me thinking that something MAY have happened. who knows but i think its pretty fascinating to hear about something thats biblical was actually discovered.

yes i read the article

you are missing my point

the guy that found it, was double verified by the Turkey government and gave him credit on the discovery

great, it still doesnt prove a thing besides some guy did in fact find the remains of an old boat.

the size of Noahs Ark compared to the USS Kitty Hawk

point being.....

then i find it believeable that that IS the Ark that Noah built

thats good, but for me to believe the claim "THIS IS THE REMAINS OF NOAH'S ARK" these things must be proven

1. noah has some sort of significance, and is not just some dude who built a boat. I found a broken chair in the woods the other day, who cares

2. the boat is actually noah's

these have not been proven, therefore making whatever was noted in that article ridiculous claims that appeal to bible beaters
Wait...I thought this was supposed to be a simple thread of telling who is what religion? How'd it turn into a "is Noahs ark real or not?" discussion?

Arguing about what you believe in is just going to lead to more flaming and wars.
question...the boat was afloat for how long.....
and it only made it to Turkey....what a great distance to travel from the holy land.....I would believe it if it was found in a place like south america or something.
Originally posted by Airjockie@Nov 15 2003, 04:17 PM
question...the boat was afloat for how long.....
and it only made it to Turkey....what a great distance to travel from the holy land.....I would believe it if it was found in a place like south america or something.

40 days 40 nights. it didn't have sails, why does it necessarily have to land in SA to be believeable

[ends so he doesn't get sucked in]
ever heard of the NATURAL phenominom(sp) call OCEAN CURRENT's???

40 days and 40 nights...ok it would put the baot somewhere at least past China...
Originally posted by sleepergtx@Nov 15 2003, 04:16 PM
Wait...I thought this was supposed to be a simple thread of telling who is what religion? How'd it turn into a "is Noahs ark real or not?" discussion?

Arguing about what you believe in is just going to lead to more flaming and wars.

when and where has there been flaming in this thread

there is nothing wrong with arguing your point of view
if I remember correctly people who have excavated it claimed there are stalls for animals inside. So I guess it really doesn't mean it's THE ark.

It just happens to be the exact same size....

and it was built to hold animals....

oh, and it's exactly where the bible says it is...

but I'm sure it's just random coencidence
Originally posted by Silverchild79@Nov 15 2003, 04:43 PM
if I remember correctly people who have excavated it claimed there are stalls for animals inside. So I guess it really doesn't mean it's THE ark.

plz show some proof about the stalls for animals inside

and before you use the bible as a reference for anything check these pages out

noting the fallacies within the noah's ark story-

and the kicker-

Like other biblical tales, the myth of Noah is found earlier in India, Egypt, Babylon, Sumer and other places. The fact is that there have been floods and deluge stories in many different parts of the world, including but not limited to the Middle East. In the Sumerian tale, which predated the biblical by thousands of years, the ark was built by Ziusudra; in Akkad, he was Atrakhasis, and in Babylon, Uta-Napisthim. The Greek Noah was called Deucalion, "who repopulated the earth after the waters subsided" and after the ark landed on Mt. Parnassos. The Armenian flood hero was called Xisuthros, "whose ark landed on Mt. Ararat." Noah's "history" can also be found in India, where there is a "tomb of Nuh" near the river Gagra in the district of Oude or Oudh, which evidently is related to Judea and Judah. The "ark-preserved" Indian Noah was also called "Menu."

The story of Noah's Ark actually takes place in the heavens, as Noah and his crew of seven represent the sun, moon, earth and five inner planets. Obviously, Noah's famous "ark," which misguided souls have sought upon the earth, is a motif found in other myths, representing the arc-shaped lower quarter of the moon.

thus making ANY ark found on earth purely coincidential

As to the "real" Noah's ark alleged to have been found, it should be noted that it was a custom, in Scotland for one, to create stone "ships" on mounts in emulation of this pre-biblical celestial myth, such that any number of these "arks" may be discovered on Earth.
No wonder why the dinosaurs all died off.. couldn't fit 2 of each of 'em on the tiny 'lil boat...

I'm Presbyterian... but evolution makes more sense than creation...
Originally posted by Blanco@Nov 15 2003, 05:05 PM
...just saying that it's an amazing similarity and enough of one to raise a few thoughts, questions...and in your case, suspicions.

right, and im merely explaining why those thoughts and questions are incorrect :)
Originally posted by SolReaver+Nov 15 2003, 05:01 PM-->
@Nov 15 2003, 04:43 PM
if I remember correctly people who have excavated it claimed there are stalls for animals inside.  So I guess it really doesn't mean it's THE ark.

plz show some proof about the stalls for animals inside

and before you use the bible as a reference for anything check these pages out

noting the fallacies within the noah's ark story-

and the kicker-

Like other biblical tales, the myth of Noah is found earlier in India, Egypt, Babylon, Sumer and other places. The fact is that there have been floods and deluge stories in many different parts of the world, including but not limited to the Middle East. In the Sumerian tale, which predated the biblical by thousands of years, the ark was built by Ziusudra; in Akkad, he was Atrakhasis, and in Babylon, Uta-Napisthim. The Greek Noah was called Deucalion, "who repopulated the earth after the waters subsided" and after the ark landed on Mt. Parnassos. The Armenian flood hero was called Xisuthros, "whose ark landed on Mt. Ararat." Noah's "history" can also be found in India, where there is a "tomb of Nuh" near the river Gagra in the district of Oude or Oudh, which evidently is related to Judea and Judah. The "ark-preserved" Indian Noah was also called "Menu."

The story of Noah's Ark actually takes place in the heavens, as Noah and his crew of seven represent the sun, moon, earth and five inner planets. Obviously, Noah's famous "ark," which misguided souls have sought upon the earth, is a motif found in other myths, representing the arc-shaped lower quarter of the moon.

thus making ANY ark found on earth purely coincidential

As to the "real" Noah's ark alleged to have been found, it should be noted that it was a custom, in Scotland for one, to create stone "ships" on mounts in emulation of this pre-biblical celestial myth, such that any number of these "arks" may be discovered on Earth.

pretty ironic that the site you got all that ark stuff from is run by a christian...dun dun dun dun! :D
3.depression to the point wehre you want to kill your self or cut you self to relieve pain

if you believe in god then you would know that he will never give you anything you cant handle. True there are a lot of really tragic things that happen out there, but people have faith and move on.

I’ve found absolutely no reason to believe in a higher power at all...everything on earth can be explained by science

maybe not on earth, but do you honestly believe that earth is the only planet w/ intelligent life on it?? If you believe in the big bang theory that the universe started as one ball of super-concentrated mass and then just exploded, how did that mass get there, why did it explode, something had to put it there, something had to make it explode.