Sexy Rexy

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Man you rolled three times and all that happened was it got some shitty tails and VW Beetle hubcaps? You got lucky thats the only damage that it sustained.
oh no... those are bfore... and it had those altezza lights when i got it. i hated those shits...

i'll post some of the wreckage, that is... if you can stand the sight of a busted up Si.
I like those V-Dubs. Look a lot better than a certain someones Bimmers IMO :ph34r:
anywhays.....!!!!!! .......I polished my wheel today, i didnt put in my all out effort though. But i still like it a lot

Not bad...but if I was u I would spray it flat black then lightly sand it one way to "brush" it then clear coat. I saw chip foose do it! So can you!
Because he's a cocky douchebag and his "designs" are overrated.
Thats because he doesnt. He learned that from another overrated a**hole (Boyd Coddington.)
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He was an alright guy. I liked him way more than Chip.

From one threadjack topic to another....
WHAT?! You take that back. Boyd Coddington was the biggest d0uche of all time! I danced the day he died and Id love to plss on his grave.
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What can I say, Canadians are laid back. Who cares. He is who he is, no big deal there. Accept him for who he is and move on. :dunno:
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