SOB, I really am the unluckiest person on HS

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i'll get over this shit, it's just a bad week

<to himself> "it's just a bad week, it's just a bad week, it's just a bad week, it's just a bad week"</to himself>
figured out the karma shit.

The dunno what might have made this happen, but whatever it is it must have been bad.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 23 2005, 10:28 AM
[post=515584]Quoted post[/post]​

How is it you keep running out of gas? Does the needle work?
I've run out of gas twice in my life. You need a vacation, or to live under a rock.
yea it works, I just never pay attention to it or the big yellow gas reminder.

I was going to get gas in the morning when I stopped for cigarettes at the...uhm gas station. But I forgot and didn't want to turn around. Then I came off the exit...bog...bog...bog, stall and roll to a stop 200 feet from the gas station, in a bus lane. The asshole attendant wouldn't let me "use" his can, he said I had to buy the $9 one when he could clearly see my car across the street.

Actually the needle is pretty innaccurate, I think it needs a new level sending unit.
I'm stupid....

Cash in the bank...instant
Check in the bank...1-2 days wait.

I still have an extra $190 that'll be in there tomorrow, 68 by monday, 125 by monday.

+50 for the day
did the gas station have cameras??? that way you could get the assfucks license plate????I know all the stations my buddies work at have them incase someone runs off without paying.
Originally posted by 92civicb18b1@Jun 23 2005, 03:04 PM
i highly doubt it, it was an el cheapo station. The attendents tried to help but they didn't catch it either.
[post=515712]Quoted post[/post]​

They all should have cameras to protect their investment, that is to protect from "drive offs" - filling up and driving off.
I'll find out though, it's the second cheapest place around. It's small and always packed since it's on a very main road.

At least corner lights are only 30 bucks for some clear ones.
Man, your luck sounds a lot like mine. Only mine involved getting a Reckless Driving ticket for no fucking reason, getting fucked in court, and getting denied my red license. Now I can't drive for a year.

My life = teh suck