Somebody's mad

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Originally posted by Blanco@Oct 3 2004, 09:57 PM
Do you like to work for free? Go figure, neither does the entertainment industry.

I agree that movies, games, music does tend to be overpriced and geared more the top level than the artist level. But, if they're not making a profit, they're not going to continue making products.
[post=397831]Quoted post[/post]​

Do you like getting reamed out the ass when you buy a CD? The entertainment industry thinks so! I agree that a company needs to make a profit in order to sell a product, but there's a difference between profit and outright gluttony.
i dl music and movies all the time. One of the things is, the music industry is hurting, not necessarily the artists. Hundreds of jobs in the music industry and being terminated. My brother interend for Warner Bros Records, he said that hed love to get a job in the music industry and his intern guy said he wish he cuold hire him, but they are laying a lot of people off right now... i guess this can be directly related to the internet illegal file sharing. As far as the artists, they make so much money doing tours, clothing, dvds, endorsements, radio...blah blah blah... thats what pisses me off, the artists complaining.
Haha . . .

You know, i wonder if the site will be able to track the IP's of the users on the message boards who claim to download mad musik for free . . . .

would that be considered entrapment?
also depends on what type music your listening to

alot of unsigned rap artists will tell you if you want to get rich stay indy, if you want to get famous sign with a label.

i know of and have played in hardcore bands that were signed that never recieved a dime from there label, and thats after paying out of pocket for the studio to record our cd.

charging 20 bucks for a cd that cost 2 dollars to make is ridiculous, especially when the artist gets maybe 2 bucks per cd.

the record industry is pissed because they only make 10 billion a year instead of 20 billion a year (numbers pulled out of my ass)

i find it humorous that bands like metallica have this whole vendetta when they are so rich they could never spend all the money they have. the next 5 generations of there family is set yet they still bitch about people dl'ng some mp3s

alot of unsigned indy bands support file sharing because it gets there music out to a much wider audience which potentially means more money for them in the long run.
im not going to walk into a store and buy a cd from a band ive never heard, but i will dl one if it peaks my interest.
and if its good then i will go to the store looking for the cd
yah, the whole recording industry is just a bunch of greedy motherfuckers...i can get a 100 pack of cd's for like 25 dollars...what is that? like 25 cents a fuckin the hell do they jack these CD's up to 15 dollars? for 15 dollars, the CD better have some porn on it or something...and as far as these artists losing money because of illegal downloading, thats a bunch of bullshit. recording artists make their money off of tours, most of the money from CD's goes to the labels and managers...CD's are like advertisement for their concerts. So who is losing out when someone illegally downloads a song? the fat ass coorporate scumbags that dont do shit...we're not fuckin over the artists, we're fuckin over their greedy ass managers, so technically we're doin them a favor.
Originally posted by micah@Oct 5 2004, 11:42 PM
charging 20 bucks for a cd that cost 2 dollars to make is ridiculous, especially when the artist gets maybe 2 bucks per cd

Most artists, even the largest ones, don't make nearly that much money per CD. The labels scoops up very nearly every penny from CD sales. That's why they have to perform live to make any money. A band could sell millions of CDs and still end up owing the label money.

That's what's wrong with the labels.
yeah i know, hell ive been in a band that released a cd on a label :P

i was just saying ;)

if riaa was worried about artists making money they would stop taking such a huge fucking cut out of the artists pocket
Originally posted by Blanco@Oct 7 2004, 04:12 PM
Don't forget that the sales pay also pay for advertising and touring.
[post=399618]Quoted post[/post]​


Seriously though - who gives a (_insert bad word here_) if we download musik.

Its a small percentage of the population that can RELIABLY get FULL ALBUMS from the internet.
my cus is signed with columbia and she only gets cents per cd
well the cd we put out was on a real small label. we had to pay for recording, they just basically distributed it for us. we were supposed to get like 2 bucks per cd, but the way they did it was, whatever cd's we sold we sent them the cash and then they were supposed to send us checks for our cut and for what we made on cd's that they sent out to stores and were sold at concerts from other bands on the label, etc. we never ended up getting a check from them ever. so when our contract was up and they wanted to resign for a 2yr 2cd contract and supposedly pay for us to get new equip and shit we said no.
band broke up shortly after due to people getting married and shit.
fuck recording artist...illegal file sharing is the best advertisment they get...Golf Stream 3 isn't good enough is it? greedy bastards
i would buy cd's but i dont want to pay 15 to 20 for atmost three good songs.