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The last batch was done around 3am.
I'm making food for a get together tomorrow. Plus its not uncommon for me to be cooking really late, cooking isnt always about eating but rather working on making something better and testing out new ideas.
do you realize what my late night meals end up being? Mini pizza's for 3 minutes, nuked. always hits the spot for me.
not three batches of water, salt and chicken...
what are you making anyways? soup?
I'm working on a recipe for HOK and figured I'd shoot to shots of it while its in the works to see if you can figure out what it is.
anyone else can take guesses at it.
Here's a hint, in the pot (2nd picture) there is 3 items. Water, salt and chicken.
Hey Taco--I get the hint that you like coffee with your tamales. I could be wrong though.
no idiot. tAmales!!!!
ohh you sir have got more of my rep.....chicken is good but pork with red peppers mixed in is better? def. keep this updated. if i ever catch my mom making it i'll take pics for you to show the way my mom makes them
ohh and have fun spreading them on the corn leaves!!!
When they know just enough english to say "six dolla".. You know you're in for a treat. The older the woman, the better.