Take it easy on me Im a newbie :)

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:deadhorse: another 30 page leg humping thread coming up. :laugh:

Welcome to hondaswap :wave:
It's amazing how we can give so many backhanded "Welcome" posts.

Welcome aboard Tein, Just tell me you're a republican and you're golden with me :)
i thought the sig's at the end went out of style in 2003 except for eccentrics (*cough* steve)

she's from tx, isn't that bad enough already?
oh nothing, your wonderful state blessed the rest of the nation with that superbly excellent president... :ph34r:

pssstttt - independant

dependant = leech, but an extra deduction on your taxes...
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oh nothing, your wonderful state blessed the rest of the nation with that superbly excellent president... :ph34r:

pssstttt - independant

dependant = leech, but an extra deduction on your taxes...

lmao....you might wanna check that again...jk you caught me...lmao...dang that was a BAD type-O
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You only hate Dubya because it's trendy to hate Dubya :)

I saw something about a hatch and a B18... Specifics ?

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hmm...I like to consider myself a independant...no me gusto george bush!

And thus, the Spanish. You sure you're not in Mexifornia ?

ugh....longtime..bush hater right here! that crazy cracker is DUMB! politicians in general are a bunch of sleezy mofo's if ya ask me ....but W. takes the gold on this....I might be from Texas but if ya look it up... bush isnt! Hes really from the east coast he just bought property down here for political purpose. And Im actually Italian...what ya wanna know 'bout the LS?