Take it easy on me Im a newbie :)

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That's because your parents are retards.

Jaime is the boys variant.
Jamie is the girls variant.

The name on my birth certificate is Jaime.

Sorry killer, it's your parents that are retards.

Jaime is Female, Jamie is male

My step sister is named, admittedly by mistake, "Jamie". Jamie is short for James. Jaime has it's roots in "Friend", and is quintessentially feminine.
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That's because your parents are retards.

Jaime is the boys variant.
Jamie is the girls variant.

The name on my birth certificate is Jaime.

Sorry killer, it's your parents that are retards.

Jaime is Female, Jamie is male

My step sister is named, admittedly by mistake, "Jamie". Jamie is short for James. Jaime has it's roots in "Friend", and is quintessentially feminine.

As i said in a later post; it varies from location to location.

I looked it up in a baby book and jaime, jamie, and jayme are all "acceptable" for both sexes.

However, for my location; jaime is the boy's variant. Can't really be wrong if my, Jaime W's and Jaime C's names were all spelled that way. Not to mention Jayme B. was a female.

So in conclusion, neither my or Jamie's parents are retards.. because he lives 2500 miles away.

But who asked you? Oh yeah. no one. :p

so this be the swap then?

and i missed the pic posting so i had to look at myspace

now i see how they knew it was a myspace pic, but which one was posted?
Her pic is on Pg. 3. lol, Jamie, you should've locked down your myspace...rotfl
the link on page 3 is broken, no image

thanks for posting that lol
all i had to do was check your friends section to see this...



speaking of friends sections...
you've got some freaky friends...
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Her pic is on Pg. 3. lol, Jamie, you should've locked down your myspace...rotfl
the link on page 3 is broken, no image

thanks for posting that lol
all i had to do was check your friends section to see this...



speaking of friends sections...
you've got some freaky friends...
Lol, I didn't post my myspace for nothing, sorry Jamie. The pic on pg. 3 works for me. yeah, some of 'em are weird, but you don't choose who you grow up with. The uber-young ones are sisters/cousins.

*edit: The over-head both hands on cam. pic was the one that was origionally posted.
wow...you people are really nosey arent you...
its all good I suppose...oh well what can I do?
Thats me...roll credits...lol
As for the whole Jamie, Jaime,Jayme thing they are all unisex names
atleast here in Texas.
Except I dont think I have seen a girl with the spelling "Jaime"
Thats usually the hispanic spelling and i.e. "himay" I so know what youre talking about!
As for Jayme....I have a cousin in OK that spells her name that way and I always thought my other cousin spelled his name cool too...JAYSON
Anywho...thanks for raiding me
and since yall did that you better take it easy on the cut downs!
lol, don't hear that much do you? my fav. tx slang is "fixin to" lmao