Take it easy on me Im a newbie :)

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no, no boxing

not until you tell us wtf it means...

apparently even texans don't understand their women...

what language do you understand???

WIGGER: Dont be dissin' on me like that foo'; Why you gotta be hatin'?
ASIAN: Putonginamo
TARD: derr..derr...derr...Quit pointing and laughing! "I dont know what we're yelling about"
:emofo: : DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ME TOO BADLY, now would you pass the tea and crumpets!
Or what?
i understand english...

cut down
1. To kill or strike down.
2. To alter by removing extra or additional fittings: cut down a car for racing.
3. To reduce the amount taken or used: cutting down on one's intake of rich foods.

what language do you understand???

WIGGER: Dont be dissin' on me like that foo'; Why you gotta be hatin'?
ASIAN: Putonginamo
TARD: derr..derr...derr...Quit pointing and laughing! "I dont know what we're yelling about"
: DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ME TOO BADLY, now would you pass the tea and crumpets!

and this is how an invasion became "a legal war"
and spying on citizens and taking kickbacks from lobbyists became "ethical"
texas is the quebec of the US

but the tard definition was quite humorous

and who made fun of you?
and do you mean because of the sticking out your tongue face or your shameless nature of your myspace cleavage pic?
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no, no boxing

not until you tell us wtf it means...

apparently even texans don't understand their women...

what language do you understand???

WIGGER: Dont be dissin' on me like that foo'; Why you gotta be hatin'?
ASIAN: Putonginamo
TARD: derr..derr...derr...Quit pointing and laughing! "I dont know what we're yelling about"
:emofo: : DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ME TOO BADLY, now would you pass the tea and crumpets!
Or what?

:hmm: .... :shrug2: .... :bash:

i'm guessing you're refering to the vh1 post? and the like...?
or am i missing something?

if thats what you are refering to i've got a couple stories for you...