The Ban Game.

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Banned for annoying dacheat with your ban game thread...

NOTE: Yes, I realize that this post is further perpetuating this thread, which in turn will continue to guarantee it's prevalence in dacheat's control panel. That was indeed my intention, just in case anyone was wondering. Thank you for your time.
Banned cause I haven't banned anyone in a week. And no you can't ban me in the unlikely case that I last banned someone 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and .9999 seconds ago. Well you can but you can't use that for a reason :p.
i hereby commence the domino ban effect - everyone above me is banned sequentially and the whole thread goes *poof* when the domino ban gets to the first post. :D
I ban myself for being too new to the site and not really knowing anyone to ban. So take THAT! *curls up in corner, rocks back and forth and chants* "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me...can't sleep, clowns will eat me...."
Banned for encouraging the noob to ban others.
banned for not knowing I want a second set.
man, i'm banning you for not suggesting a funny word! ps whatchoo think about 'cherky?'