The Ban Game.

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Banned for pointing it out, however; the unorginal ban was actually for you because you used "pokeage" in your ban". :D
ban for the gay green smiley but it's not gay when anyone else uses it except you
banned for linking my unorininality with my driving a Honda that everyone and their brother drives and every 3rd person "modifies" their Honda
haha! Banned for heck...take your pick. Ban yourself for something.
Banned for not having been banned before for banning out of order. Whew! Try typing that fast five times.
I ain't not being no banning banner for banning for banning for explaining that B may be fer bannin.

banned for using the word ban or a variant of it at least 5 times in that post

edit: and by the way I already cleared up 20 something pages ago that B was for bitch :)
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