The official CRVTEC Hatch thread

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The head is already back on, and no, I didn't use any copper gasket spray. Just cleaned it, cleaned it again, and tightened that mofo down. Talked to a couplea dudes on honda-tech, and they said to torque the ARP studs in 20-lb increments to 75 (20-40-60-75).

Hope it works.
Originally posted by CRVTEC@Dec 27 2004, 12:53 AM
The head is already back on, and no, I didn't use any copper gasket spray. Just cleaned it, cleaned it again, and tightened that mofo down. Talked to a couplea dudes on honda-tech, and they said to torque the ARP studs in 20-lb increments to 75 (20-40-60-75).

Hope it works.
[post=437615]Quoted post[/post]​

dip the threads in oil.. it helps them go in easier..
arp actually has a special lube you should be using. they come with the head studs.

I've run into complications, which will NOT be discussed on the forum.

More updates soon to come.
Originally posted by Crix@Jan 5 2005, 01:06 PM
he won't discuss it on the fourms? :( must be bad.
[post=441494]Quoted post[/post]​

What happened was I got up to the shop at which I was going to dyno it (this was last Tuesday, by the way...not yesterday) and it turns out that the head that was sold to me by a member of this forum is garbage. The cam caps/runners are from a PR3 (OBD0 B16A) and the head is warped. The hatch has been sitting at the shop at which it is sitting since then, so that they can try to fix the head so that it's useable. I would just buy a new head, but 1. I can't afford it, and 2. I've already replaced the valve seals, along with put new valvesprings and retainers in this head. Granted, I should have checked to see if the head was warped before I installed it, but when you buy a part from someone that has a pretty much good reputation, and that person tells you that the head is 'in perfect working order', there should be no reason for you to check the head to see if it's warped.

So that's where I stand. Happy?
wow man that realy sucks donkey balls.......the only way that a head gets warped is by over heating i think......thats fucked up...i still have the ls head... PM me
Originally posted by formby@Jan 5 2005, 07:56 PM
i knew i wrote that some
i smoke to much pot man ...
[post=441631]Quoted post[/post]​

Is there such a thing? :shrug2:
what are we talking about?.......

Hey Will, has said memeber done anything to make it better? I saw that he said he would, but has he acted on this? Also, sorry to hear about the situation, i can't believe all the shit that happens to you.
As of yet, I've gotten precisely...

dick. :huh:

Every conversation is 'I'll call you later to discuss it'. Then I call him a few days later, and get the same thing.
Wil is going to win the lottery or something to offset all of his shit luck. Either that or he's going to die in a car fire that results from a rollover if his luck doesn't turn around.