This really sucks!!!!

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its ok for u not to drink....but dont flame on other people because they want to drink and get shyt-faced...

and where r u from where girls drink? 80% my friends here are worried about there make-up,hair and try to look better than everyone else
Ok didnt read every post cause too much reading. Ok im graduating highschool in a month and im 17. I drink every weekend prolly. I live in a small gay town and there isnt shit to do but go hang out with all your friends and throw back a lotta beer. Im irish too so im up for drinking anyday. But theres always one thing you have to do if you decide to drink - BE RESPONSIBLE. if you go out and get really drunk, dont drive. Ive been flat out shitfaced many of times, but learn to control yourself. Trust me, beer will go down like water once you get the taste. So drink up and have some fun with it.
Hey man I don't drink. I'm 17, and have had so many occasions where everyone is getting shit faced but me. Almost all of my friends besides a handful atleast drink or smoke pot, and I don't and no one bothers me about it. If they do, then fuck them.

Alcohol has touched base a lot in my family, closest was probably when my dad let my brother drink and he got alcohol poisoning and everyone else was too drunk to help him besides my self. Then Yeah, they're the whole family and stuff.

On top of all this, my dad who doesn't condone drinking, but has me pick out liquor for him, is giving me a $1000.00 to not drink before 18.

Keep going strong.
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Apr 24 2004, 12:40 AM
my final thought is this:

do NOT waste your youth. make the most of if (semi responsibly)

cuz when you are older, and settled down, you will kick yourself in the ass for not living your teenage years to the fullest.

:withstupid: :concur: :yes: :thumbsup:

I did shit my teenage years, when I had the time I did nothing, now I have the money but no time...

I came to that realization at work today when i was talkin to my new GM about not going to prom. I completely wasted my teen years...fucking internet.

having a life > Me.
Originally posted by h22bubbleback@Apr 26 2004, 07:50 AM
its ok for u not to drink....but dont flame on other people because they want to drink and get shyt-faced...

and where r u from where girls drink? 80% my friends here are worried about there make-up,hair and try to look better than everyone else

I'm not in anyway flaming anyone that drinks, don't get me wrong. What I was partly saying, is that it pisses me off and I think that it is pathetic when people MUST drink in order to have fun. Most of you do not fall under this catergory, but a lot of my friends do.

And revolution8k...

This is definetly true. I am trying to preserve my youth, I only get it once. What sucks, is that I don't like to drink, my friends do and I wasn't into going with them. But I am going to try some of youse guys's previous suggestions to help make the most of it.

About the whole live life to the fullest....

The thing that really sucks, is that everytime those memorable moments of teenage life, you know the ones that movies are based on, come around, I always get fucked out of them. Guess why I didn't get to go to my Senior Prom two Fridays ago... Remember when I broke my leg, well turns out I also tore almost every tendon/ligament in my ankle(except my Achilles thank God) and the day of prom I had a doctors appt. I go to see my doctor and wouldn't you know it, I get to have surgery on Prom night. I got to call my date and tell her the news, I wasted money on a tux, and all those memories will never exist, because I was under anesthsia(sp) getting a 3" screw put in my ankle.

Good news = I did get screwed on Prom night, Bad news = not quite the way I was hoping.

God, I am surprised I haven't been drivin to drink yet.