weight training

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Alright, for my birthday i got a full weight bench. (incline, decline, flat. also came with the thing for your legs and the supports for the benchpress bar) what im asking is, what is a good amount of weight to start off with. im thinking around 100 pounds plus dumbells and a straight bar. Does anyone have any good websites that explains different exercises, lifting techniques, etc... Or if anyone has first hand experience, id really like to work my chest and mid body mostly, but ill also be concentrating on arms and some legs.


Read all the articles and join the forums.

Have you gotten an olympic weight set yet to go along with the bench and dumbells? I couldn't figure out if you were asking how much weight you should purchase or start off lifting.

As for your lifting routine that you stated....no go. Drop that crap and look up routines online. Legs should be what you're primarly working if you want to put on size. More muscle mass ='s more testerone which yields yet more muscle mass, easier.

Also to state the obvious for the record, diet is 90% of becoming healthy and having a desireable body, sleeping in 9% and lifting is 1%. :D Basically you need to lift to grow but it doesnt matter if you're not eating or sleeping right.

Do yourself a favor if you're serious about your diet and body and get a bag of whey protein. If you want, I can hook you up with a 10lb bag of whey protein that has 166 servings for $54 shipped.
lol im not doin this to get huge, just put on some muscle and tone up. my diet is pretty healthy, but im going to be changing it up in a few days. i was looking at the Body for Life diet and routine. i was asking because right now, money is sort of tight, so i dont NEED to go out and buy 300 lbs of weights. Since im just starting the lifting, thats why i asked how much would be a good number to start with. like... ummm since im just starting would 100 lbs be a good amount to start of with, then later purchase more weights as i lift more and more.
www.bodybuilding.com <----- more info than you can read.

New2TheCarScene is right, you need to eat healthy and get lots of sleep, then worry about your workouts. Oh and whey protein is your friend.
i'd get the following

1- straight bench bar
1- curved curl bar
2 dumbell bars

2 45lbs
4 20lbs
4 10lbs
2 5lbs

thats a decent setup to get you doing just about everything.
Actually....I'd say go ahead and get yourself a 300 pound weight set. If you have a Dunham's sports in your area, they usually have a deal where you can get 300 pounds worth of weights and an Olympic bar for 100 bucks.

300 pounds may seem mind boggling to somebody who is just starting to lift, but unless you are a complete and utter pansy, you will soon realize that 100 pounds isn't all that much, especially when you are benching.

Plus...if you go ahead and get the 300 pound set...you won't have to be switching your weights around as much...like you can set up some dumbbells or a curl bar for working your arms, and also put some weights on your barbell and leave it on the bench, and you won't have to be constantly taking them apart and reassembling them.

Also...from my experience, I would tell you to not even mess with standard weights and bars. I paid 150 for a 200 pound standard weight set with a standard bar, and I was benching and I put all 200 pounds on the bar and it was bowing really bad, I was afraid it was going to snap. The olympic bar will hold more weight than you will probably be benching for a long time, not to mention you can get the bar and 300 pounds worth of weight for less than the cost of a 200 pound standard weight set that can't even hold all of the weights it comes with.

Just my 2 cents...
Go buy the book, HIT by Men's Health.

You will thank me in 3 months.

I'm starting this kind of workout soon, and am looking forward to the results.

And pickup about 300 lbs in weight with a olympic bar, bent bar, and a thick handle bar.
Originally posted by New2TheCarScene@Dec 28 2004, 04:32 PM

Read all the articles and join the forums.

Have you gotten an olympic weight set yet to go along with the bench and dumbells? I couldn't figure out if you were asking how much weight you should purchase or start off lifting.

As for your lifting routine that you stated....no go. Drop that crap and look up routines online. Legs should be what you're primarly working if you want to put on size. More muscle mass ='s more testerone which yields yet more muscle mass, easier.

Also to state the obvious for the record, diet is 90% of becoming healthy and having a desireable body, sleeping in 9% and lifting is 1%. :D Basically you need to lift to grow but it doesnt matter if you're not eating or sleeping right.

Do yourself a favor if you're serious about your diet and body and get a bag of whey protein. If you want, I can hook you up with a 10lb bag of whey protein that has 166 servings for $54 shipped.
[post=438327]Quoted post[/post]​

:werd: :beer: It's all about the diet. Protein is the building block for building muscle...period.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Dec 29 2004, 01:08 AM
[post=438492]Quoted post[/post]​

thats exactly what i was looking at originally. too bad both dick's sporting goods in my area doesnt keep them in stock...fuckers. I dont think ill need an olympic weight set, ive been told from a few lifters that if you arent pushing 100's of pounds, an olympic bar isnt really that much better. Hopefully the local fitness equipment place has some sort of package deal...

why bother getting a curl bar when you can curl with both a straight bar and dumbells??
This is All you Need (Arnold)!

I'm telling you man... when I started out in highschool my friend had this book, and we used it. Worked maaaddd good! Its got everything you need for different body types and goals. Whether you wanna get big or toned, Arnold's book has got it all.

Suck My Shit!!
my brother lifts regularly, im going to use a book he has called "body for life". the diet suggestions and lifting programs worked extremely well for him in the first 12 weeks. I think im going to start off with the body for life program. Yeah, i found at sears.com they have a 210lb olympic set for 90 bucks, w/o dumbells, which i orderd tonight, and thats fine i can always pick those up elsewhere. No, i bought just a bench, no weights yet.

Ive been told to make sure you are lifting correctly, its the most important part of it, not how much you are lifting. Technique is number one. fuck whey protein and suppliments, im NOT looking to get huge and all that shit, im in it to get in shape, tone up, lose weight, and get a better looking body.
thanks man. well i didnt buy any bars or weights till tonight (see above), all i had before was a incline/decline/flat bench with the leg thingee and the supports for the bench press.
A 12 weeks plan?

Fricking lengthy.

Pick up a book on High Intensity Training specificall the New HIT by Ellington Darden ph.d, and listen to blanco. Everything he said, I regurgitate to ever skinny kid I know, including what I apply to myself.

Cool thing about HIT is you get just as good workout in 12 exercises with only one set instead of the usual lengthy workouts.

Another thing is, when you stretch, don't static stretch. Warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes, then do squat stretches with a medicine ball, and do a plate drill with maybe a small set of push ups, and warm down after the workout by doing a slow set of 5 minutes.
Originally posted by Seany-izzle@Dec 28 2004, 04:39 PM
lol im not doin this to get huge, just put on some muscle and tone up. my diet is pretty healthy, but im going to be changing it up in a few days. i was looking at the Body for Life diet and routine. i was asking because right now, money is sort of tight, so i dont NEED to go out and buy 300 lbs of weights. Since im just starting the lifting, thats why i asked how much would be a good number to start with. like... ummm since im just starting would 100 lbs be a good amount to start of with, then later purchase more weights as i lift more and more.
[post=438337]Quoted post[/post]​

trust me you won't get 'huge'

it takes years of training and diet to get 'huge'.
Originally posted by Slammed89Integra@Dec 30 2004, 01:35 AM
A 12 weeks plan?

Fricking lengthy.

Pick up a book on High Intensity Training specificall the New HIT by Ellington Darden ph.d, and listen to blanco. Everything he said, I regurgitate to ever skinny kid I know, including what I apply to myself.

Cool thing about HIT is you get just as good workout in 12 exercises with only one set instead of the usual lengthy workouts.

Another thing is, when you stretch, don't static stretch. Warm up by jumping rope for 5 minutes, then do squat stretches with a medicine ball, and do a plate drill with maybe a small set of push ups, and warm down after the workout by doing a slow set of 5 minutes.
[post=439011]Quoted post[/post]​

The New HIT isn't nearly as good as HST, in my opinion. The new HIT was developed as a result of HST.

hypertrophy specific training, founded by byran haycock

check out places like dicks, dahnums, ect what ever is a decent size chain sports store around you, and you can find inexpensive 300 pound olyimics weight sets for around 100. I am a very small guy in terms of muscle mass, but 100lbs is not really heavy at all. I can easily rep 100lbs and max around 160ish. With the 300 weight sets, you can do alot more combinations, and is easier to get to larger weights because they come with large plates like 45lbs instead of 10-15lbs plates that you will find with small 100 lb sets. If your looking to get in shape, defently find a whole rutein. Run cross train lift ect. Then make a few very easy cuts in your diet. Stop drinking pop. Always have a jug of cold water in the fridge or try to start drinking UNSWEETEN tea. Also between meals, don't eat snack food. When you do that, you'll find yourself loosing weight. Finally when your hungry, drink a bottle of water, when you go and eat out for a quick bite, go to subway instead of McDonalds, and check lables and stay away from High Frotuse Corn Syrup (HFCS). One little trick that HFCS does is it cause your body to delay the full fealing. This is why you can easily drink 64 oz of pop but trying to drink that much water you probally be fealing sick.
These sites use the word "Maximal". That's not even a word for shit's sake.

Maximal muscle mass? Are these books available on tape?

-> Steve