What a day driving to work

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Bob Vila

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So I leave my house at a normal time (5:50 EST) to get to work around 6:30, this morning however was different, it was a fkn skating rink out there, peeps sliding all over the place, tractor trailers unable to get up hills etc etc. So what normally takes me 30-40 minutes took me 2 fkn hours!!!!! I was 45 minutes late for work, and yet I was still the 3rd person in the building haha. The entire central part of ct. was basically closed down.

I did have fun coming in tho, mad JDM one handed drift waves coming outta the heep this morning.


Bring on the snow!!!! Code WHITE!
Drving around MA was bad too. Snow squalls made roads icy here too. Saw the footage on tv just now. I haven't left my house yet. :ph34r:
I was looking out the window when I got in to work and I happen to look out just as an accident occured. some jacka$$ decided to slam on his brakes forcing the guy behind him to rearend him, the guy that hit the dood infront of him was probably sliding at about 10-15 mph and it caused a great deal of damage. I was LMAO at the sight of it sitting at my desk...haha...or maybe its cuz I work at an Insurance company and realize that the guy that hit the other guy is going to get fux0red on his renewal policy.
im jelous. it hasnt even snowed here in wisconsin yet and we usually get our first snow on halloween.
I think that having 4WD wouldn't have helped today. If anything, a heavier vehicle would be harder to control on the icy roads, especially in stopping. And there was something on tv about how expensive SUV's are to fix in bumper crash tests.

Around Bunker Hill in Boston, a garbage truck and a school bus were stuck for several hours on the icy streets until the sanding trucks could arrive.
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Dec 2 2003, 12:28 PM
bristol got a dusting at best....

yeah, but it was all ice at 6am this morning, I seriously was stuck staring at my parking spot outside of work for 10 fkn minutes as all of rt 229 was backedup from I84 being a parking lot. I was contemplating throwin that bish into 4wd and going over some small pine trees to get into the parking lot, but I dont think the old security gaurd here would have appreciated that.


and ICE and 4wd go nicely together, 4wd drifts babyyyyyyyyyyyyy
ok, to top it off, the companies internet server is 403'ing me on every site except hondaswap, cnn, and msnbc. good thing is is that I only have 2.5 hrs to go!!!!!!!!
haha, I was waiting for that.

Jus fo' decrashun!
Originally posted by xyswany@Dec 2 2003, 05:26 PM
im jelous. it hasnt even snowed here in wisconsin yet and we usually get our first snow on halloween.

I'm jealous that sisteve has an office with a window to the outside world...my window is in my door looking out into the hallway...w00t! sunshine & 40's in Ohio.
Originally posted by punkyjewster41@Dec 2 2003, 02:09 PM
Its like 72 here in Dallas, and yesterday i swear i was sweating walking to class.

lol, sweating yesturday? i never went outside but it didnt look THAT warm here... but at least its not icing or snowing!
we got about 6 inches in Minneapolis last week and I was damn glad I shelled out the extra 300 for the factory LSD when I got my b16... even with all seasons it pulls like a pro through the snow
dude it is 75 degrees here, about to go surfing. i not fond of the cold. but for the past 8 years i have been in florida so i am sorta spoiled with mostly warm weather
Originally posted by hotrodaccord97@Dec 2 2003, 02:20 PM
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