who is your candidate???

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Yea but the difference is, the taliban are weak. We're strong. Countries have dominated other countries in history, and in the end, it's the most powerful that survives. I say we take the fuckin oil to lower gas prices.
Lol that's that redneck part of me right there. But seriously if you can't get what you need for a decent price and it's in your country's best interest sometimes you gotta take it.
Actually yea I slept thru that class all year just about. What makes that hypocritical?

And really, wouldn't it be great if we took the oil and our gas prices plummeted?
Lol that's that redneck part of me right there. But seriously if you can't get what you need for a decent price and it's in your country's best interest sometimes you gotta take it.

Lol, man gas is expensive, so I'm gonna siphon it from your tank from now on, is that ok with you?

Abortion: I don't condone it. I believe that if sex was consensual, the two parties involved both have a responsibility to protect and nurture the life they created. But there should be provisions for incest, rape, health concerns for the mother, parents combined IQ is less than 50, etc.

Gun Control: Instead of trying to control the guns, why don't we try to control felons? New laws won't affect criminals, the reason they are criminals is because they don't follow laws. More educated upstanding citizens need to carry guns and Americans need to start relying on themselves for personal protection.

Health Care: Should NOT be provided by the government. If you can't afford it, too bad. You should have planned better or been born with a better immune system. I'm a big proponent of Survival of the Fittest. I think that the majority of America's problems are because we keep the old, sick, and others who drain on society alive for too long.

Immigration: It should be perfectly legal to violently assault any person illegally occupying this country. They have no right to be here, hence they have no rights while they are here. Close the borders to illegals now.

Stem Cell Research: I'm all for it, if it can be done without the destruction of human life.

Iraq: Should never have gone in the first place. Our leaders have failed us all.

Same Sex Marriage: Marriage is a religious ceremony and should be kept strictly that. There should be no tax breaks or any preferential govt. treatment to married people. Separation of church and state should apply here. You should be able to perform a religious ceremony to marry whoever you want, and your blessing should come from God, not Uncle Sam.

Social Security: As all forms of socialism - Complete Failure. Abandon it and learn from the mistakes.

Taxes: They are too high because there is too much wasteful spending. Shrink the govt. limit the spending and the need for the majority of our taxes will disappear.
Did no one read that the controversy with stem cells is soon to be squashed?

They've found a way to implant genetic code in cells to revert them to stem cells as of two months ago.
It's all good if poor people die, 'cause they're poor. A-hyuck. A-hyuck.

Yeah, that's what I thought. What makes it hypocritical is that you live in the Land of the Free and you're talking about taking the freedom away from others for your own gain.

Would it be great if we spit in the faces of the men who fought and died for this country? No, it wouldn't.

All good if poor people die? Easy for the well-off to say.

And I'm not talking about taking away their freedom. Iraq doesn't have any freedom to take away. It's the same thing if some other country wants our resources if they're strong enough to take it, let'em try. They won't succeed. And if they do, we're fucked, but that's the way the world goes. And we need to S-T-O-P being fucking world police if you asked me. I respect and love our troops, they will fight for us for any reason, even though I don't agree with why we get into half the shit we do. Like Vietnam, Korea, this shit. We went to find Osama Bin Laden's gay ass, so that's what we should've done and Iraq should have been an oil detour ;). That's my opinion.

And the reason I say we should TAKE it is because obviously diplomacy isn't getting us anywhere when it comes to oil.

EDIT: If we don't take it, then we should shut those environmentalists' asses up and drill in Alaska.
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I like Ron Paul's politics, I really do. The only problem I see with him though, is that I think he's too "radical" to actually have any chance of getting the Republican nomination. And if he doesn't get the nomination, and then runs as an independent instead, he could end up being 2008's Ross Perot, i.e. the Republican vote will be split between Paul and the actual Republican candidate, thereby giving the Democratic candidate an advantage.

Not saying any of that will happen, but it could. Like I said though, I am a fan of his politics. I wish he actually had a better shot at becoming President.

He has stated that he will NOT run as an independent. So this won't be an issue.

And he DOES have a shot at being president. I don't know why everyone keeps saying that. He did TWICE as good as Rudy in iowa.... and wait till tuesday. NH i think is going to move some things around. :)

This is actually the most disturbing part of this thread. His "lightning round" segment is the worst performing(money-wise), least thought out (Cramer has said it's the weakest block of his show), and yet the most popular. Go read his book B, then come back and tell me he has worth.

Shit, both him and Beck are retards.

You need to take it what it is...
its a quick thought with 0 research. Anyone who knows anything about investing knows that the best investment is one you make after weeks of studying the firm, reading the balance sheets, watching the news about that company, and so on.

and for the record, I have both his books.

i read through the ron paul site.
and it seems pretty up to par on what i would like to see from the government.
i just dont meet with his views on abortion.
and he doesnt say anything about same sex marraige.
but he seems to be more interested in what is good for the country, and just the country.
he thinks same sex should be a state-by-state thing, not mandated by federal gov't.

As for abortion, he's a baby doctor. it's pretty much a given that he doesn't approve of abortion... lol
but at the same time, while he FEELS that way, he has never said that he wants to overturn roe vs wade either.

Yea but the difference is, the taliban are weak. We're strong. Countries have dominated other countries in history, and in the end, it's the most powerful that survives. I say we take the fuckin oil to lower gas prices.

and they all eventually fell. roman empire, byzantine empire, the greeks... the egytpians.... we don't write in hygrophlics or speak italian do we?

All good if poor people die? Easy for the well-off to say.

but WHY are you poor? because you're lazy.
pay attention in school, it's free. i went to the same public schools as everyone else and do not hold a college degree.

others in my position flip burgers. why? because they never gave a shit, so now they have to deal with it.

if you can't afford health insurance, get a better job. It's pretty hard to find an employer who doesn't offer it now a days...

how do you get a better job? by knowing things.

oh wait, school.

vicious circle, ehh?

bet you're kicking yourself in the ass for sleeping through history class now, huh?

EDIT: If we don't take it, then we should shut those environmentalists' asses up and drill in Alaska.
the real solution is to stop being an oil dependent nation.
but WHY are you poor? because you're lazy.
pay attention in school, it's free. i went to the same public schools as everyone else and do not hold a college degree.

others in my position flip burgers. why? because they never gave a shit, so now they have to deal with it.

if you can't afford health insurance, get a better job. It's pretty hard to find an employer who doesn't offer it now a days...

how do you get a better job? by knowing things.

oh wait, school.

vicious circle, ehh?

bet you're kicking yourself in the ass for sleeping through history class now, huh?

Why am I poor? Because my dad just walked out on us and my mom barely last minute got a job that barely pays bills and it's really hard to care about school when you're more busy getting a job and working full time while you're in highschool just to help get by living in a trailor at that not to mention been going thru some other rough shit. School ends up being at the bottom of priorities. And the only reason I've been posting a lot is because I recently quit my job cause it was a shit job I hated it and I've been looking ever since. Hell at the chinese place I worked at I used to work 60 hours a week and go to school.

So what am I planning? Going to Wyotech or another similar technical school that doesn't require a diploma so I can do what I recently found out I like doing and work on cars at a dealership or elsewhere.
Abortion - If the female isn't fit to be a mother, than she shouldn't be. As for kiling the fetus, I think it should be up to the female.

Gun control - Noone should be aloud to carry a weapon other than law enforcement. But not for nothing, there are kids with guns now days. In africa, there are 11 year olds and even younger using fully automatic weapons. That kind of artillary in the hands of children is extremely dangerous... I won't be vacationing there next year ;x

Health care - Another excuse to take tax payer's money.

Immigration - If Al qaida terrorists can make it into the United States, AND get f*cking license's to fly planes than there is a serious issue with immigration and background profiling, period.

Stem cell - No comment.

Iraq - Bush isn't keeping troops there for recon, he is keeping them there because he wants the god damn OIL!

Same-sex marriage - Whatever floats your boat, just as long as it is not floating near....me.

Social Security - For some reason I dont feel like being social about my "security" ;x

Taxes - A bunch of BULLCRAP, period.
"he has never said that he wants to overturn roe vs wade either."

I've heard otherwise when I've read his platform. It explicitly stated that he did want to overturn Roe vs Wade.

Thats one issue I'm not with him on.
+1 on getting the US to non-oil-dependent status.

'trailor' is spelled trailer, and some of the most successful/happy people have become such by experiencing and and overcoming adversity. rise above your sitch, man. sounds like you're doing good so far.

someone, please educate me on the process that would have to be enacted in order to overturn roe v. wade - can a president just command it be overturned? i don't think so. checks and bals ftw.
"he has never said that he wants to overturn roe vs wade either."

I've heard otherwise when I've read his platform. It explicitly stated that he did want to overturn Roe vs Wade.

Thats one issue I'm not with him on.

well, you HEARD wrrong. stop watching fax news.

Ron Paul on Abortion

very first thing in the article.... he feels its NOT a fed responsibility.
Well, I was GOING to vote for Stephen Colbert, but that vote will get me as far as a vote for myself as he is no longer running.

I will wait untill the actual election before picking a candidate.
I might vote for hillary. I know I'm gonna get fucked, but if she's president, at least I'll be getting fucked by a woman?
well, you HEARD wrrong. stop watching fax news.

Ron Paul on Abortion

very first thing in the article.... he feels its NOT a fed responsibility.

Uh that right there states that he wants to overturn Roe vs Wade, in different terms. He says that an abortionist is a criminal. Roe vs Wade was the decision that gave the feds the rights over ther states and made abortion legal.

Roe vs Wade was a decision made based upon the consitution, which as well all know, Ron Paul believes that we should read and interpret explicitly.

Paul believes that abortion should be illegal, which is enough for me to be on the complete opposite side of the fence, since I'm pro-choice. He also believes that its the jobs of the states to regulate and make abortion illegal. This completely goes against Roe vs Wade. So essentially, yes he wants to overturn the Roe vs Wade decision but he wants to do so through Congress, not the Supreme Court. He believes this because the legality of abortion isn't spelled out explicitly in the Constitution - which of course it couldn't have been because it wasn't an issue whwen the Constitution was created, which is a huge crack in his pro-Constitution stance which does not allow for intelligent interpretation. Paul's stance is that the Supreme Court overstepped their bounds when they interpretted abortion to fall under a "Right to Privacy" amendment that Paul does not support.

Roe v. Wade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Background on the case.

...and no, I don't watch much TV. I certainly wasn't getting my information from Fox News, I read it on one of his support websites and after reading the website you posted it confirms that information.
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+1 on getting the US to non-oil-dependent status.

'trailor' is spelled trailer, and some of the most successful/happy people have become such by experiencing and and overcoming adversity. rise above your sitch, man. sounds like you're doing good so far.

someone, please educate me on the process that would have to be enacted in order to overturn roe v. wade - can a president just command it be overturned? i don't think so. checks and bals ftw.

Ron Pauls way is to change legislation through Congress.

The traditional way would be to challenge the presidence set by the Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade. A case would need to be brought before the Supreme Court regarding the issue of the legality of abortion, challenging the way the consitution has been interpretted and then the Supreme Court would have to rule against abortion.
I already posted my candidate appraisals in misti's thread.

Abortion: Let people have abortions if they think they are necessary. It doesn't bother me. Pro-Choice does not mean Pro-Death.

Gun control: I keep a gun, I don't mind others having guns. I'd prefer people that have already committed violent crimes did not have access to them.

Health Care: I don't know how I feel on this one. Part of me wants Federally funded health care, and then another part of me is like "the lines at the hospital are already long enough". This isn't a deal breaker for me.

Immigration: Again, I don't care. I need my fucking lawn mowed. Let em stay...just figure out a way to get them to pay taxes and learn to speak english.

Stem cell: I'm all for stem cell research. It can do a lot to help our country, and it hurts no one. In my opinion, embryos arent alive, so removing stem cells, doesnt hurt it. Im also Pro-Choice, so most of the right wing will take that with a grain of salt.

Iraq: Lets leave. We dont have a reason to be there besides oil. We need to break the dependency on oil...figure out a way to store hydrogen...Fuel Cells should be the way this country moves. Ethanol and bio fuel are band aids...and shitty ones at that.

Same-sex marriage: Let em do what they want. Who does it hurt?

Social Security: It broken beyond belief. It has moved way beyond what FDR had planned, and it needs to be changed.

Taxes: I dont want to pay them, but since im a democrat, i understand their importance. No tax is bullshit, and completely backasswards. Anyone that has taken a high school economics class should know that.

Race Opinions:
I wish Chris Dodd and Joe Biden would have done better. I might have to do some more reading on Ron Paul...he just feels waaay to radical. Obama, McCain and Edwards are my three favs (even though McCain favors the war in Iraq). I dont know what ill do if Hillary gets the Nom and someone other than McCain gets it. Maybe move to Europe?