Working out....

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Anyone here ever tried any of the Cell Mass products from BSN? Im looking to build a little more muscle and was wondering if thats the right thing to start taking besides my daily protein.

I don't think you need cell mass for size. If you're going for a bulk, I'd suggest using a clean weight gainer, meaning lower in fat but high in cal's and protein. Also I'd suggest using a NO product, and a protein synthesizer to help break down the excess protein you're going to be ingesting. Eat clean, but eat a lot. My roommate recently started lifting a lot and this all combined with amplified creatine-189 from GNC he's gained about 18 lbs in the last 2 months, and it was a pretty clean gain.
Kre-Alkalyn comes in pill form and doesn't taste like a dogs ass, so you're all right there. :D Glad you got a laugh out of it. :D:D:D

Hahaha, we went from toxic waste to dogs ass, seems like we are making progress here :ph34r:.

Thanks for the help! I think I'm gonna try that. I've been stuck at 165 lbs for a longass time now.
Have any of you ever tried the new PRO-NOS protein? If so, besides that it is expensive as fuck, what is your take on it? I have not had time to read the blend or anything, but have heard very good things about it.
You're tiny. Why would you use steroids? Immediate gains? Sounds lazy to me. Your genes aren't maxed.
steriods. i'm seriously considering a 3 month cycle.

I couldn't count how many times I have been offered steroids and outright LAUGHED at the person offering them to me. To me it would be a) a possible health hazard and b) just a total cop out from working out hard and earning my gains. I'll use creatine, NOS, protein, vitamins and any other legal supplement instead of anything like steroids.

However Nick, this is not my way of knocking you for wanting to use them in any way, shape, or form. After all, it is your life and your choice. I would just be concerned about you as I have seen the side effects of steroid use on many people. Most are not pretty.

Hard work, proper eating and dedication work best for me. Again, this is just my two cents.
I'll be damned if I haven't had the hardest time working out on a regular basis after I started working my second job. I'm lucky if I make it two to three days a freakin' week! Has anyone else had this problem?

You know, it used to be a lot easier to workout, even though I was tired at times, when I actually had a second job AT the gym. haha

Anywho, I feel like such a fuckin' fat ass slacker. I find myself without energy and trying to just get by on the little bit I do have when I'm at work. Interestingly enough, when I do go to the gym, it comes out of nowhere at times and I end up having a freakin' great workout. Go figure.

I'm considering getting some weights for the house...again, so that I can continue to have a normal workout routine. This plan, however; is somewhat on a holding pattern, as I am busy allocating funds to car parts at this time and juncture. :D