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its absolutely a ploy to blame congress

he is trying to avoid any responsibility for this

if congress says yes and it is successful then he looks like a hero
if congress says yes and it goes tits up then it wasnt HIS call he just ok'd what congress wanted
if congress says no and people happy about it then he listened to the people
if congress says no and people are angry with that decision then he wanted to step in and help but those evil (R)s didnt give him the approval he needed and THEY are responsible for the prolonged suffering over there

he is a ball-less twat

letters will be sent off to all of my representatives (not that they give a fuck) that under the current circumstances Syria is of no threat to us or our security and i do not support any action or involvement over there, and any approval for action or involvement will result directly in not having my vote, or the vote of anyone i can influence the next time they are on the chopping block

and once again FBHO
Meh. This conflict has been going on for 2 years. I doubt it'll be another iraq or afghanistan.
You're right - it won't be. All interest in Afghanistan had been lost a few years before we went there, and in Iraq Saddam had occupied American/UN Ally Kuwait (And oil export interest, yes, I know). Second time Same Saddam had said that he had weapons ready to deploy against America - Some even on US Soil already.

The UN published many post-bush reports that the WMD WERE in Iraq, and then moved to ... Syria !

Then Pelosi went to Syria and refused to tell why. That happened.

And France isn't getting involved because all of Iran's nuclear processing tech is direct from France. When Iran finally DOES deploy nuclear weaponry, it will be France at the heart of it.

Several Russian owned oil pipelines start in Syria. Now, unlike the US and it's people who cower when the crowds chants "No blood for oil!" Russia says "Fuck you. We're invading because you have something we want." and no one blinks an eye.

And that WHOLE region knows full damned well what Russia is all about. Between Chechnya and Kazakhstan. When the US invades, it carpetbags the fuck out of the place, and when Russia invades it carpetBOMBS the fuck out of the place.
Just discovered this thread. Some of the commentary on this is borderline hilarity.

Turkey by Thanksgiving...
Obama: 'I didn't set a red line' on Syria

“As commander in chief, I always preserve the right and the responsibility to act on behalf of America’s national security. I do not believe that I was required to take this to Congress,” Obama said. “But I did not take this to Congress just because it’s an empty exercise; I think it’s important to have Congress’s support on it,” Obama said at a press conference with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.


I'm indifferent on that particular quote... Typical political doublespeak.

Hang on, let me run that through Google Translate, Politic to English:

"I don't feel have to run it by congress, but I did anyway. That way I can pass the blame or take the credit depending on the outcome."

Regular politician stuff at work.
It's all garbage. The machine is gearing up and there will be a BS answer for any objection along the way.
The AT-4 is an 84-mm unguided, portable, single-shot recoilless smooth-bore weapon.

I guess this is the military equivalent of geek speak. "Was grenade launcher or Bazooka just too easy to say?"
Well it could be worse. I dont know how accurate this graphic is, but yesterday it seems like we've done a good job of making ourselves heard.

If he wants to execute the ability of the commander-in-chief against the specific opposition of the people, of course he is able to do so. However, in doing so, all he does is hurt his party, and his ability to pass legislation for the next 3 years.
Man 4 years ago when all the rednecks were yammering about how he's a moooslim on the side of alqaeda, I thought they were soooo dumb...
Now we're gonna help them topple a sovereign government. Wtf didn't we learn last time we teamed up with osama? Whatever our agenda is, it's gotta be sinister as fuck.