obama is going to bankrupt us.

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sell my guns? nefuckingver.

I think by sell he means ::airquotes:: sell ::airquotes::

"Hello, I'm the Barack Obama anti-gun commissioner, here to take away your means of protecting yourself. Please hand over the weapons we see you have registered."

"Oh, I sold those!"/"They burned up in a fire!"/"I was robbed and they're gone!"

(Yes I'm still voting for him, we've been through this. :))
I think by sell he means ::airquotes:: sell ::airquotes::

"Hello, I'm the Barack Obama anti-gun commissioner, here to take away your means of protecting yourself. Please hand over the weapons we see you have registered."

"Oh, I sold those!"/"They burned up in a fire!"/"I was robbed and they're gone!"

(Yes I'm still voting for him, we've been through this. :))

Like I said, your guns are located right next to my encryption keys and if you defend my rights, I will defend yours without question.
Where are you getting this idea that you're being watched ?

The same place you get the idea that people are gonna bust your door down and take your guns from you. These *are* the same people we are talking about... just needing different things.

You see your guns as a means of defense. I see my encryption as the same, it's just simply a different end.
Croatian nuclear FBI colonel plutonium Ortega Waco, Texas Panama CIA DES jihad fissionable quiche terrorist World Trade Center assassination DES NORAD Delta Force Waco, Texas SDI explosion Serbian Panama Uzi Ft. Meade SEAL Team 6 Honduras PLO NSA terrorist Ft. Meade strategic supercomputer $400 million in gold bullion quiche Honduras BATF colonel Treasury domestic disruption SEAL Team 6 class struggle smuggle [Hello to all my fans in domestic surveillance]
Nothin man, forget it. I'm just kicking back while you flail around and get sucked into the sands more and more.

And enjoying every second of it :)
Nothin man, forget it. I'm just kicking back while you flail around and get sucked into the sands more and more.

And enjoying every second of it :)

I'm not the one crying the same ol Right wing "they's gonna steal my boomsticks!" song and dance. What gives you this idea?

Is it the sensationalism of it all? Fear mongering, perhaps?

At least I have evidence towards my claims: Did NSA Put a Secret Backdoor in New Encryption Standard?

Why would the NSA push a BLATANTLY FLAWED encryption system, one with a set way to universally unlock it?

And YOU have still to answer my question: Why do I have to justify my need for protection which is granted in the Constitution (IV and IX specifically)?
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Were you dropped on your head a lot as a kid ?


Answer the question. The scheme is flawed, why a push for it?

Come on Cel... it's a PRNG with an intentional skew. Nobody *screws up* like that and still maintains their job.
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Id like an answer too. I mean, Dual_EC_DRBG was completely laughed at by even the normal community of admins....not even crytology experts because its blatantly obvious that it doesn't have a decent style of encrypting data.

Why should we be more afraid to have our guns taken away than we are of falling into the world of 1984?

Come on Steve. You sit back and laugh at people and never fucking speak. I wanna hear the conclusion that you've drawn to make yourself feel superior. 10 bucks says i can make your life worse with a computer than you can make mine with a gun.
Id like an answer too. I mean, Dual_EC_DRBG was completely laughed at by even the normal community of admins....not even crytology experts because its blatantly obvious that it doesn't have a decent style of encrypting data.

Why should we be more afraid to have our guns taken away than we are of falling into the world of 1984?

Come on Steve. You sit back and laugh at people and never fucking speak. I wanna hear the conclusion that you've drawn to make yourself feel superior. 10 bucks says i can make your life worse with a computer than you can make mine with a gun.

Some of us have walked that line. Some of us know what can be done and how easy it really is. Some of us know when the politicians send out letters easing our worries about electronic voting that the "Secure 128bit WEP" (No, I am NOT shitting you, I got the letter during the last mids) is rock solid, they are bullshitting.

Some of us realize that combining a backdoor which can be utilized with only THIRTY TWO BYTES of the output with a sweeping (and legally immune) ability to wiretap without warrants, both of which cannot be proven due to their secrecy and transparency, you get something that is utterly terrifying.

You can’t hide secrets from the future with math.
You can try, but I bet that in the future they laugh
at the half-assed schemes and algorithms amassed
to enforce cryptographs in the past.
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