Anyone else see this??

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yeah... i hate to be 'that guy' but i think its at least possible that he could have avoided it. Doesn't take away from it sucking in the least, and i don't want to turn this thread into that, but it clearly looks like he just paniced and locked 'em up.... when there was plenty of run off on all sides of him

still shitty as hell though.

maybe if someone at the bank had a gun, this would have never happened :X

Lets face it B, 99.9% of us aren't racers and have barely ever been in a situation like that. I mean seriously, the drivers license test at the DMV branch is easy as shit. There isn't any "emergency" what if questions and avoidance isn't taught.

So when that split second comes, panic sets in and we do probably the worst thing you could do.

It's easy to sit there and go "well I would have tried to run off" but he was probably doing 50-70 mph as well. It's hard telling what any of us would do in that situation unless you're actually in that situation.
It's things like this that make me wonder why the good die so early and the evil get to run around down here longer... but it also says to me that maybe those who are good truly are 'too good' for this world. Now, another reason could be simply that we just don't have as much control over situations as we think we do.

I can't tell you how I'd react if I saw that. Who knows, by the time he saw him, it was possibly already too late. Trying to predict where a madman driver is going to go isn't easy, but I've tried many times... considering, I normally watch everyone else... they're the ones you have to look out for. But, there's times when, well, you just can't keep track of everything.

At least it took him quickly. My condolences for the family and I hope that guy at least feels remorse and guilt for what he did because now he has to live with it.

There is only so much you can do. When I got hit by a drunk driver who lost control coming at me sideway, there was nothing I could do. I saw him coming over the yellow line about a 1/4 down the road so I stayed in the right lane, then I saw him disappear in traffic and all the sudden he was coming at me sideways. I was doing 45 and he was estimated to have hit me doing 80. I couldnt go to the right since I was on a small bridge. I started to move into the left lane but couldnt go any further or I would have hit some innnocent car in oncoming traffic. I pretty much had option of deciding where I wanted to get hit, not to avoid it. I just tried to take the hit as much on the passengers side as I could ( I was the only one in the truck) He slid past me and almost hit the cop behind me. The cop was more shaken up than I was. The cop told me there was nothing I could do and was glad I didnt get seriuosly hurt. He expect a lot worse. In a way I am glad the cop was there because I would have probably being going to jail after I got out of the hospital.

You can't avoid everything. Sometimes you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
You can't avoid everything. Sometimes you are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Exactly. I mean... After looking at the video it appeared that he saw and moved to the right more to attempt to avoid it, but once again, it also looked inevitable. It's horrific. Also, I didn't really see anyone go to the white car... I was curious if they were clear that he had passed and moved on to trying to apprehend the robber, but I wasn't paying too much attention in the beginning. It almost looked like they didn't care about the victim... unless I merely didn't see anyone at the white car to begin with. Either way, what's done is done. :sad:
So, what you guys are really saying is that American driving standards are too lax and there needs to be a much higher degree of education. I completely agree. You can never avoid 100% of anything, but that doesn't mean that you can't lower your chances exponentially. I can't be the only person here who's presence of mind has saved their life.

I had this discussion today with a friend. If our standards for testing were as high as some other countries, most people on the road wouldn't be licensed. But, that would in turn put a burden on public transit, which I hope would get them to fix the fact that only 'poor' and 'underprivileged' and 'young people' use it. It could be a great method of commute if there were more money being put into the system, less congestion on freeways, and best of all: more apt drivers behind the wheel.
Well, where we live, the DMV has the driver's test (written half) in like every language known to man. I'm just saying that it's not the only thing that needs revision. I do think if it were required to complete a few extra courses on defensive driving or even 'technical driving' techniques, it would at least give us the edge, but I'm curious how much of an impact it would make. It's just that... would the DMV also be giving these classes in other languages? I'm just not seeing how I'd be able to go to France and get a license, stand in line and ask them if they have any of their written exams in English. I'm not trying to be coarse. I'm just saying that some of our signs don't fall under the 'internationally understandable' lists as most others do.
i'm kinda thinking i'd be checking out the damn helicopters over the highway through the middle of nowhere that i'm on and wondering wtf is going on, and i'm also thinking the last thing i'd be thinking is that a car is going to purposefully aim for me...just isn't something i'd be thinking about when i'm on the road....guess i'm not much of a defensive driver :(.

ps i'm pretty sure the red mist surrounding the accident scene visible on the vid is the vaporized victim.
i couldn't see a 'color' really, i am one of those 'i'm not assuming anything from this video' kind of people, although I should know since I've pretty much seen what happens in accidents like those.
I don't know about anywhere else, but I know here in PA they've got some interesting twists as far as avoiding stuff. Like say a deer runs in the middle of the road, if you hit it, you're fucked, but if say you dodge it, and swerve into a ditch and call a tow truck and the police happen to stroll by, you're getting a ticket for reckless driving. Same with other cars. Sucks.
Well, think about this. Aside from impeccable maintenance, why does the Autobahn work? Education and training. As far as other languages, I don't even think the citizenship oath should be taken in anything other than English. Personally, I wouldn't even think of moving to another country without learning the language. But I'm talking more along the lines of knowing how to handle your car and having the presence of mind to do so when needed. Education and training is the only way to get there, and that's going to take raising the bar. If that means that bad, inattentive, and/or flat out careless drivers have to take the bus, all the better. Some people think that automated systems are the cure. I say that holding people accountable for their own actions is.

And again, I'm not trying to start an argument, just further a valid discussion. :)
i agree with pretty much every post youve had in this thread
:o WOW. What a fucking bastard. I hope that robber gets raped in prison and dies of anal bleeding.

I have two brothers that live in the area and that could of been them. Just speechless.

Anyway, Im a pretty bad driver so I think I wouldve probably slammed on the brakes or swerved, but mostly froze and be like WTF.
:o WOW. What a fucking bastard. I hope that robber gets raped in prison and dies of anal bleeding.

I have two brothers that live in the area and that could of been them. Just speechless.

Anyway, Im a pretty bad driver so I think I wouldve probably slammed on the brakes or swerved, but mostly froze and be like WTF.

They both died in the crash.

I somewhat agree with both sides of the argument here. Yes, better more educated drivers who are driving defensively at all times would be a great thing, but then again, there's absolutely no excuse for what this guy did. If you're going to kill yourself, then kill yourself and yourself only. What an absolute piece of shit...
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That's just fucked up. And I thought a wreck at 45 into a tree with no seatbelt sucked ass cuz my head dented my friend's dash board and almost knocked me out...and a wreck into a 4' wide concrete pole hitting my head on another dash board...since then I ALWAYS buckle up ;). It was funny tho I was smoking a black n mild when my friend ran us into a tree and I DIDN'T drop it even tho I hit my head and almost got knocked out.

I just finished my driver's ed a few months ago (Texas) and it was the easiest thing! My instructor practically GAVE us the answers to the tests and quizzes. I can guaranTEE most drivers aren't educated. And I emphasize the TEE in guarantee. And I've been driving around since I was 11 so I got more experience than most think I have but still in a situation like that, I would have probably got hit because I don't pay that much attention. I probably will now tho especially with all the drunks swervin around.
im gonna have to agree with blanco.

if this country had better public transit, then people could afford not to drive.
european countries have figured this out. and they have some of the best transit systems in the world. the people who do hold drivers licences are educated.

theres too many drunks in the areas ive lived in to not pay attention. when i lived in panama city, damn near everybody drove drunk. i pissed me off so much, the guy i was staying with (rented a room in his house) did it all the time. and his house was about 20miles out.

i hate people who do stupid things, and then repeat.
I actually think better public transit wouldn't make a huge difference because teens like me that just got their license will still rather drive ourselves :). And most teens get into a LOT of wrecks and drive stupid.
yes, but in a lot of other countries its too expensive for a teen to get a license. or they have to be 17 or 18, whatever the legal age is.
That's just fucked up. And I thought a wreck at 45 into a tree with no seatbelt sucked ass cuz my head dented my friend's dash board and almost knocked me out...and a wreck into a 4' wide concrete pole hitting my head on another dash board...since then I ALWAYS buckle up ;).

It took two major accidents where you smashed your head on the dash both times for you to stop and think that it might be a good idea to wear a seat belt?

I'm not trying to start the whole seat belt debate here, so don't everybody jump on me please...but I know for me personally, I think one accident involving head smashing would have been enough to get me wearing it...
lol, i usually always wear my seatbelt. in my first car, my first wreck, the seatbelt didnt lock up, i was buckled but i still got a chest full of steering wheel.
shit hurt.
so now i always buckle, and check to make sure that they lock.

hell one accident without my head smashing anything was all it took

A roll over is all it took for me. I usually wore it before then, after that all the time.