Barbara Bush and the NO disaster...

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It's TRUE.


-> steve

Every damned word of it. There are now families from 9/11, for instance, who are millionaires - Bought and paid for by the bodies of their loved ones. New Orleans will be no different. A lot of these people lived in squalor - and you can't rightly return them to that Squalor. So they'll have big beautiful, fresh and new homes with 0 out-of-pocket costs. They have profitted so big time it's astounding.

And now, because of some high winds and a poorly designed levee system, Their town, when they return to it, will be a showcase of modern living and my town will still be a wretched nightmare of housing projects and high costs.

Thanks, but I'm with Barbara here. Good for her.
Originally posted by Celerity@Sep 7 2005, 04:29 PM
It's TRUE.

Thanks, but I'm with Barbara here. Good for her.
[post=550811]Quoted post[/post]​

and you question my political stand point.....
Yeah, I do. I find it hard to see how you aren't on my side with this one.

You know that they will be rebuilt - And in the end, they will have a great place to live, lots of government assistance, and lots of breaks. It's unfortunate that anyone they know had to die, But there is a silver lining to this cloud for them.

And that is my political standpoint :)
As for some of the people in NO.... say it with me;



The government is giving a helping hand to these people, and might be giving them the kick in the ass to get off welfare and make a decent life for themselves. I'm not saying that every underprivaledged family in NO was on welfare, but the ones - I'm saying the ones that lived in squallor are basically starting off with a clean slate now. They're gonna get new housing, new clothes, and probably a big fat check.

Barbra stated the facts, and people are getting pissed because shes wealthy and poor people are poor?


Honestly, what should we do for these people? Kick all the rich people out of their homes and comandeer all the prime real-estate in the SE US for housing?
People need to think about logistics. And reality. All these people, are now able to sleep in an air-conditioned, dry arena, with food being served daily and ample amounts of water and medical service. Would they rather be trapped in the hell that was the Superdome.

I don't think so.
being poor does not make a person under privilideged. thats a rich person's point of view.

hell, i'm under priveledged compared to her left sock.

and i would be offended if my house was destryed in this mess.
You are NOTHING, not even CLOSE to underprivileged, ball-bag.

I grew up well - My family even went hungry for weeks. I was homeless on the streets of New Hampshire. I grew up underprivileged. I grew up in Rural Amish country too - Where christmas usually involves some hand-made socks and a few folders for school

Don't give me that underprivileged shit. You should instead be thankful for all that you have, have had, and have the opportunity of having.

-> Steve
Every damned word of it. There are now families from 9/11, for instance, who are millionaires - Bought and paid for by the bodies of their loved ones. New Orleans will be no different. A lot of these people lived in squalor - and you can't rightly return them to that Squalor. So they'll have big beautiful, fresh and new homes with 0 out-of-pocket costs. They have profitted so big time it's astounding.

And now, because of some high winds and a poorly designed levee system, Their town, when they return to it, will be a showcase of modern living and my town will still be a wretched nightmare of housing projects and high costs.

Thanks, but I'm with Barbara here. Good for her.

and isn't this the same mentality that told americans it was ok to take people form their native lands in africa and make them slaves? cause they had shelter and food everyday now... they just had to work in the fields for it...
Originally posted by reckedracing@Sep 7 2005, 04:25 PM
Every damned word of it. There are now families from 9/11, for instance, who are millionaires - Bought and paid for by the bodies of their loved ones. New Orleans will be no different. A lot of these people lived in squalor - and you can't rightly return them to that Squalor. So they'll have big beautiful, fresh and new homes with 0 out-of-pocket costs. They have profitted so big time it's astounding.

And now, because of some high winds and a poorly designed levee system, Their town, when they return to it, will be a showcase of modern living and my town will still be a wretched nightmare of housing projects and high costs.

Thanks, but I'm with Barbara here. Good for her.

and isn't this the same mentality that told americans it was ok to take people form their native lands in africa and make them slaves? cause they had shelter and food everyday now... they just had to work in the fields for it...
[post=550867]Quoted post[/post]​

No, actually the primary justification for that was a verse in the Old Testament where God cursed the descendants of a man named Canaan and said that they would become slaves to the people of Isreal. At that time it was thought that Canaan's descendants had settled the land we now know as Africa...henceforth the justification for slavery: the belief that the people living in Africa are forever destined to be slaves to God's chosen people.

What you said is indeed true as well. Many slave owners felt like they were doing their slaves a favor by bringing them to America and converting them to Christianity, but the information that I related above was the primary reason that people who were supposedly just and God-fearing found it within themselves to enslave and abuse fellow human beings.

I honestly don't know you could enslave another human being and not feel bad about it, even with the percieved religious justification, but as we all know, slavery was a long and painful reality in the early days of this country...

But anyways, I digress...

I agree with Mrs. Bush said as well. Like it or not, it's a plain and simple truth. A lot of those people will end up better off than they were before the storm...better housing, better neighborhoods, and probably some free money to boot. I don't think she meant to come off snotty, I think she was just stating the facts and actually taking some comfort in the prospect of some people's lives being bettered as a result of the tragedy.
And the government's gonna give them all these handouts... some of them might appreciate it and maintain it and improve their lives....

Most of them are gonna end up destroying it or selling it for crack though, and then go to good ol uncle sam for more handouts.
Originally posted by Blanco@Sep 8 2005, 05:40 PM
I honestly can't believe how near sighted you people are. I'm really starting to lose all hope for this country. :(
[post=551593]Quoted post[/post]​

I'm elated to read this :)
Originally posted by Battle Pope@Sep 8 2005, 09:12 PM
Most of them are gonna end up destroying it or selling it for crack though, and then go to good ol uncle sam for more handouts.
