Brad's CRX Build

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My dad is taking time off work and driving down to SoCal for the fun of it, down the sea side. He's going to fly me down for a weekend and we're going wheel shopping! I'm still getting Meshes.

EDIT: I've been looking on NWP4LIFE and there are some pretty sick wheels in there...
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Does it ever stop raining in B.C.? Everytime you take pics of your car it looks like it just rained or is currently.
wow i would love to smoke that and see it in my rear view.jk its actually not a bad looking rex.

Not a bad looking Rex? Take your dick outa your vagina! That shits soo sexy!
Yea...screw new.
when you gettin those wheels mannnnnn?????
I think I'll pass on the Mugens, I have 4k but I won't spend a grand on just rims.
Not a bad looking Rex? Take your dick outa your vagina! That shits soo sexy!
Dang straight!:)