Got my first tat

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I see both sides of the argument. Obviously the memorial on my ribs has meaning. My fraternity letters on my inner lip I got because it was free and well, why the hell not?

And my next one will also be more fun/body art. I'm actually going with a girl and we're both getting one.

Nice tattoo though. And as far as pain, worst spots are the ribs (the higher and closer to center the worse it gets, trust me), center of the chest, underarm/armpit, etc. Basically anywhere that is ultra sensitive or right on bone.

Yea, probably not going with that girl to get one now. However I'll most likely go by myself after the holidays anyway.
so yea tell me what ya think.

Very cliché, but whatever floats your boat. As long as you like it, right on. Personally, I'd go for something more original, but I think that tatoos and "counter-culture" have become mainstream, and I just can't get into it. Not because I'm trying to be counter-counter-culture and stay ahead of the cool curve, I just have no ambition to be cool whatsoever. I've tried, it just doesn't work out. So, I guess the reason I'll probably never get a tat is, I'm just not cool, at all.
Very cliché, but whatever floats your boat. As long as you like it, right on. Personally, I'd go for something more original, but I think that tatoos and "counter-culture" have become mainstream, and I just can't get into it. Not because I'm trying to be counter-counter-culture and stay ahead of the cool curve, I just have no ambition to be cool whatsoever. I've tried, it just doesn't work out. So, I guess the reason I'll probably never get a tat is, I'm just not cool, at all.

i take it ur not a confident person.
"Once were Warriors" talked about tattoos, meaning and counter-culture. The Maori usually have tattoos on their face. One kid, integrating into society and away from Maori culture, said "I wear my tattoos inside".

Remember when I talked about temporary tattoos ? I would search for it, but my MAC is slow as shit and I'm not in the mood.

I contend that Tattoos counter commitment. People had said that getting a tattoo was all about commitment: And they dismissed the idea of printing thousands of Temporary tattoos and putting them on everymorning for the rest of your life. The folly is found when Commitment is confused with Entrapment - A tattoo owner is not committed to it, they are trapped with it.

My argument ? Stop talking about commitment when it comes to tattoos. Stop talking about symbology, and just say "Because I fuckin wanted it". Don't feel guilty because you don't have any, don't feel guilty that you do.

That said, I'm researching some dermal implants. See ya 'round.
i am still seacing for my first tat,and its taking awhile because im only going to get one i fucking like :)